Chapter 89

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Alois smiled at the Boy as he sat in his lap "He's so cute and tiny with his little puffy cheeks!"

He then narrowed his eyes, his face darkening "...Why does he look like Ciel.."

Xander stared up at Alois, his little fluff of blue hair sitting on his head. Alois scowled "Why doesn't he look like me.."

"Your Highness"

Alois looked up to the door, a smile now on his face. Claude stepped in and bowed, hand on his chest "The Lady is arriving shortly"

His glasses flashed suddenly

"I can sense it"

Alois gasped and clapped his hands "Oh, what joy! Did you hear that Xander?" He looked down to the Baby and held him high "You'll get to see your Mommy soon! It'll just be you, my Love, and me!" Xander giggled as Alois stood and hugged him "We'll be the best Family ever!"

Claude stood there with his eyes as emotionless as ever. Not a tear or smile in sight

He turned and opened the door, walking out. He stood there for a moment, eyes on the ground. He then closed his eyes, the air around him turning colder than before as his senses changed, feeling nothing but nature around him

"My Butterfly...Why must you cause so many problems"

The girl froze suddenly, Sebastian following. Cheyenne inhaled a bit before flattening her lips "Its like a damn Boss that you have to beat in a game.." She looked around, taking in small breaths to see if she was right. He gave her an a confused look "Is something wrong, Mistres---It's Claude.."

Sebastian looked around himself. It was dark, the sound of trees shaking was all around. Did she see him pass by? "...How are you able to tell?"

"It's not hard for her to do so"

Cheyenne let out a small gasp as something yanked her back. Her back hit the chest of someone, her wrist being held "She lived here long enough to know it all"

Cheyenne rolled her eyes "I only know what you smell like. How the hell did you get here?"

Claude suddenly began swaying her, humming a tune. Cheyenne looked up to him and lift a brow as he twirled her and made her face him, now spinning her with himself.

"Let us dance, Amica Mea"

He smugly twirled around Sebastian, a smile on his face the whole while "Dance with me in the stars as they shine above us"

He grasped her chin, holding her head up as he stared at her, dipping the girl suddenly "My beautiful Butterfly"

Sebastian's eyes went wide, his mouth slinging open just slightly. The girl.....This Bitch-

Tell me why she kicked him in the nuts-

He stared at Claude as he fell to the ground, now laying there. Sebastian walked forward "Are you alright?" The girl nodded "I'm good.." Cheyenne glared at him and crossed her arms, bringing her knee down "I'm sorry I hit the Baby maker but, Claude, look..."

She bent down to him and poked his cheek "Y'all took my Kid, and I want him back" Claude suddenly let out a small sigh, his cheeks getting red "My Lady, such aim you have.."

Cheyenne nodded and stood "He's a lost cause"


She looked to the side and smiled, throwing her arms up "Hannah!" She hugged the Woman as Hannah came up to her. Hannah let out a small laugh, hugging the girl close "You're back..."

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