Chapter 13

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She did it

She finally made it

She made it to the gate. Cheyenne leaned on the gate slightly as her eyes lidded. She was so tired, she barely got a chance to sleep after Sebastian came. She decided to just keep going and prove that bitch wrong. They do care for her, they do love her.

Screw Bassy

Cheyenne closed her eyes for a split second and next thing she knew, she was sitting in the back of a wagon. She stumbled and forced herself to sit up, interrupting the dogs that laid near her. The two puppers looked at her in question. Cheyenne simply pat their heads and looked to the driver. She narrowed her eyes as they passed townsfolk and buildings.

She must've slept longer than expected

She laid back down and closed her eyes once she saw the driver look around and wave at people. Cheyenne pat the dog close to her and let him lay down next to her, the other doggo laying his head on her side. They were chill dogs which was new for her.

All the dogs she had were nice yet vicious to others. Well, most were, a couple weren't. The wagon soon stopped and she decided it was time to put those acting skills to work. A creek was heard behind her and the dogs lift themselves off of her "Poor soul, wonder how she passed..."

Did he....

Did he think she was dead!?

She felt him lift her up and carry her somewhere else. He struggled and softly nudged a door open. "Hello? Undertaker?"

'Oh shit!'

A giggle was heard next. "And who has decided to pay me a visit this time?" The man seemed to turn a couple of times "I...Um..I found this Lass at the gate of the Phantomhive Estate. I believe she's passed.." He went over to something and bent down, laying her sat body on something cold and hard. 'It's either the floor or a coffin. Hopefully a coffin'

"...Was there anythin' on 'er?" Shuffling was heard next "Yes, well. I found these and this strange block" Undertaker looked over the knives and block in the man's hands. If she was anywhere near the Phantomhive's, the Butler must've gotten to her first. The man sat them down near her.

"Poor Lass didnt have anything else on her. She must've been alone.." Silence over took the parlor. "I'll take it for 'er, Sir. I'll make sure she looks nice and pretty on her big day" The man nodded and sent one sad glance to the girl before leaving. As soon as the door closed, Undertaker stepped over to the girl. He bent down some and looked her over.

He stocked her puffed hair and looked over face. But froze when her brown eyes met his bangs. She sat up and stretched her back. The girl smiled at Undertaker "Hey" The silverette just watched her. She picked up her knives and Phone. She lift her dress some and tied the knives back around her thigh. "Sorry for troubling you, Undertaker. I didnt expect to wake up in a wagon and get dropped off here"

She sat up and yawned, looking up at the silver haired male "Damn...You're tall" Undertaker giggled and bopped her nose "My, my, seems that we have a little stowaway"


"So...You're from another dimension?"

"Yup. Don't get it twisted"

"...Are you sure you're sane, little one"?

Cheyenne rolled her eyes "Yes, I am. See, I'm holdin' up four--Five fingers" Undertaker chuckled at her small little confusion. The girl waved her hand and looked back at him "I know what you are. Or used to be" Undertaker sat there for awhile, that same little smile on his face.

Till the bangs covering his eyes moved. His eyes were so fucking bright that it amazed her. She seemed mesmerized by them. "And how did you find that out, My Dear?" She smirked and pulled out her Phone "This puppy. Plus, I know a good bit of some characters, not all. Where I'm from, I have read over the things you're going to do in the future. I know about little boy blue's twin and I know you're keeping 'im in here"

The Reaper's brows furrowed but then he chuckled "You're a bold one, little one.." Cheyenne sweatdropped "How old do you think I am?" Undertaker lift a digit to his lip "Hm.. At first, I mistaked you for twelve judging by your height. But when I look you over, I would say..Twenty one, twenty two?" The girl made the famous 'Well damn' face "I'm eighteen..." She sat her head in her palms "I was told I look older than how I should but damn. Am I really built like that? What the fuck..."

Undertaker huffed "Nevermind that. That lad from earlier, the man who brought you in. Says he found you at the Phantomhive gate" The girl nodded "Yeah, I told him the same thing I told you" Undertaker gave her wide eyes. She noticed her mistake and waved her arms around "Not all of it! He doesnt know anything about Ciel or you being a Reaper, just something about an upcoming case, that's all..." The silverette seemed to ease down at this.

"They had kidnapped me from Trancy in order to get the shit out of me. I ran away when William and Grell came over. Said there was something wrong with my soul. But, I jumped through the window and ran in the woods, Will almost caught me and I got Grell stuck in a tree. But, Sebastian came and threw Will off. After Demon boy chased me, I got him, well almost, run over by a horse" Undertaker stared at her with a suprised, confused smile.

It's the look that says '...Bitch what?'

"Then, last night thay horny ass bitch tried to get with my ass. Like, I know I'm fine," She stood and walked around, strutting her stuff. She then sat a hand on her hip and jot her hip out "But, one slice per person. You gotta pay to get a piece of this" Undertaker lift a brow "We're you a prostitut--NO! I'm still a Virgin, damn" She sat back down "And, after that, I ran to the gate and fell asleep. I guess the dude that drove me here thought I was dead. He did have some cute dogs though"

Undertaker laid his head back on his arms while laying in his chair. He tossed her a smile "Well, little one. Where is the next page for your adventure?" Cheyenne looked to the ground "Find Trancy. Although, I could've waited for them, I wanted to find them on my own. Plus, I thought it would be fun. Jumping out a window is so...Blood rushing.." She smiled up at him and genuinely looked amazed from jumping out a window.

Undertaker chuckled as he stared at her happy expression "Well, what's stopping you?" She tilted her head "What?" Undertaker laced his fingers together "If you wanted to see them so much, why're you still 'er?" She 'pssh'd' "It would be pretty cool to see you. And, I cant just leave unannounced like that, I was taught manners" She put a hand on her chest with a goofy face.

The silverette giggled at her antics as she stood "Well, I hope you have fun on your little adventure, little one~" She frowned at him in a mocking way "I'm not that short!" Undertaker laughed as she left. Once she closed the door, she looked both ways before deciding to go right. She crossed the clear street and followed along with the people.

She got a few stares, why? Who knows. She was in their usual clothing. Maybe it was her looks. Either way, she smiled and went on about her day. She let out a sigh once she noticed how long she had been walking. The heel's of her feet started hurting.

A squeal was heard next to her. She looked down to see a little boy looking at the glass of a shop. She looked in with him and her eyes widened once she saw all the candy and toys all around. 'This must be Funtom...'

As she looked around next to the boy, she, sadly, met ocean deep blue eyes. The boy ruffled once he saw her and immediately speed walked to the door.

'Aw, fuck'

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