Chapter 63

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Cheyenne sat there at the dining room table. Whenever she left the room, at least three Men had to come along with her.

Not once did they try to damage or hurt her, just follow her with their nice Suits and Guns. When she had to dress into new clothes, they let her. But, they would pat her down to make sure she wasn't packing anything. But, she always took that time to tease them.

"Nah, you good. Come a little closer.."

"Oh, Sir. If you go any lower, I might have to lock this door"

She thought it was fun to see their little expressions. However, there were two of the Men that she was careful of.

One always had his head down. He never really did anything near her but just sit there and stare. Stare off to space.

And then, there was the other. He was that red head that entered Undertaker's Parlor that one time. He would fidget alot, he wouldn't even dare to look at her.

But, what made her confused was what the hell is he doing here??

Now, back to the dining room situation, she was there for Dinner. They didn't treat her badly, so far at least. They fed her, let her bathe, let her sleep. The basics.

But that's what made her curious

"Good Afternoon.."

Then, there was the Boss. He kept to himself most of the time.

Why were they treating her so kindly?

Was it how they wanted to seem for the first half?

First half? She wasn't going to be here for too long, right?

"Do you like your Spaghetti? It was made from a Chef I recruited from Italy, our Home" Cheyenne hummed "Italy, huh? Must be nice over there" The Man nodded "You ever been?" The girl shook her head "No, I haven't...Mm.." She nodded and pointed down to the plate as she tried to cover her mouth and chew "This is good, whoever made this deserves, like, a medal or something" The Man smiled "Really? So, tell me," He sat back a bit "What's the deal with you and these Butlers?" Cheyenne wiped her mouth "Simple"

She looked up to the Man and pointed around, letting her finger wag around in the air carelessly

"They'll destroy each and every person in the House"

She smiled back at the Man

"If they don't come get me, then something else will. And if they cant get me, I know for a fact that will start a whole 'nother War..."

The Male from before with his head down glanced over to her, making her do the same back to him yet he looked back down

The Man huffed in amusement "A War? What are you, some type of Prize?" Cheyenne smirked "To them,"



"Claude, here,"

The Butler turned to look down at the girl as she handed him an odd object

"Can you check over that for me?"

Claude looked down at the weapon, it looked to be a Gun of some type. But...

"Why do you have this? This is far too large for you to be carrying around" He watched the girl load another and cock it "'cause. Did you make sure that one was in the clear? I had been cleaning them" Claude lift a brow "Yet...You loaded one" Cheyenne nodded "Yup"

Claude stared at the girl before passing it back to her. She shrugged and walked off, happily carrying the two Guns

Claude narrowed his eyes at her, slowly beginning to walk after her


The girl stared at Hannah as she stood far across from her. It was a field.

Hannah tossed something in the air, the Apple going high in the air. Cheyenne stood there, stiff and motionless

But, a whistle soon came in the air

And soon, she lift up the Shotgun and narrowed her eyes

Hannah covered her ears as the shot resonated in the air. She opened her hands, expecting an Apple yet her eyes widned as a Goose fell in her arms. She looked back up to see Cheyenne reloading the Gun as quick as she could, aiming yet again and shooting.

Soon, the Apple fell down, two little holes in the center. Cheyenne pouted "I really wanted to eat that thing but I saw the Goose and shot it. We got Dinner now!" She gave Hannah a careless smile while Hannah sweatdropped

Cheyenne laughed but soon cocked the Gun again, lifting up the other and holding them out infront of her

"Come out, Bitch.."

Hannah gave her a wide eyed look at her language but soon relaxed once she saw the Trancy Butler step out from the Woods. Hannah walked over and nudged Cheyenne's arms down while holding the Goose by the neck with her other hand "So, this is where you run off to instead of doing your Chores"

Hannah looked down but Cheyenne glared at him "Ay, don't yell at Hannah like that" She aimed one of the Shotguns at him "I won't hesitate to shoot your ass..."

Claude discreetly smirked

'Oh, when she showed her anger and threatened others..'

Claude's eyes went over her short body as Hannah checked her over

'I wish I could grab her down right at that moment...'

Hannah forced the girl to back down, taking the Guns and her going in the direction of the Manor, leaving Claude and Cheyenne alone

'She looked ever so cute. Threatening a Demon..'

Cheyenne looked back to Claude before crossing her arms "Claude," The Butler looked down to her "Yes?" She opened her arms with a wide smile

"Can I hug you?"

'Yet, she turns into a friendly little Buttlerfly in seconds'

Cheyenne stared at the wall as she layed in her bed. She turned on her back with a sigh, closing her eyes in the process.

Missing the Butler that stared at her from the corner of the room


The Man scoffed "Two Men, Butlers at that, capable of taking this down?" Cheyenne nodded "Eeyup!" The Boss shook his head as he lit a Cigar "Look here, Sweetheart, I have over a thousand Men in this Building, I have Dogs and Bodyguards, I have Guns and Explosives.." Cheyenne sipped the drink infront of her, taking in the new information.

He chuckled "And you think they can get over all that, eh?" Cheyenne nodded "I'm sure of it, Sir. And, no disrespect, in any way. I apologize if I have" The Man laughed and shook his head "No, no. If anything, you've made me laugh harder than I have in Months" Cheyenne tilted her head at him 'Ahh....He thinks it's a joke'

'Pfft, imagine'

I like doing these Claude/Cheyenne flashbacks 

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