Chapter 105

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Christopher stared at the little painting in amusement, soon lifting it up and smiling at it. There sat four stick figures with odd faces. And then a smaller one that stood next to the tallest

Christopher chuckled at the silly little thing. It was cute. He could tell the youngest made it by the little side notes like 'grumpy Jack!' and 'Gray Horsy!'

Poor thing spelled Horse wrong-

"You like it?"

He flinched and sat it down, turning around to find Cheyenne standing there with a smile "Mornin'"

Christopher let out a small chuckle "It's the Afternoon, actually. Guess you slept pretty rough, huh, Miss?"

Cheyenne chuckled as he turned away. She then looked off with a smirk "Eh. Yeah, it was a..." She rubbed her arms as she though about what had happened and all the things she had to experience "Pretty rough Night..." Christopher lift a brow and then looked back to her "Huh?"

She then gave him a sweet smile, waving her hand in dismissal "Nothin', my Friend! So, what's on the agenda today?"

Christopher turned to her and then gave her a smile "Well, thanks to you all helping me," She watched as he pat his bag "I'll continue on my way"

Cheyenne nodded "Well, you be careful, now. I don't want you getting hurt"

Christopher chuckled and then looked down "You always care about others..."

The girl looked up "Huh?"

Christopher smiled at her "Ah...I was just talking to myself" Cheyenne stared at him and then smiled "Y'know, for a Country Kid, you talk pretty posh posh. Not even a 'ain't' or 'nothin'' anywhere" Christopher smiled and tapped his fingers together "My Momma always said I was different"

Cheyenne laughed at him and then looked back, a smile popping up as the familiar clicking sound of heels came up

She felt a chest behind her and chuckled, looking back and smiling at him "Good Evenin', Undertaker"

Undertaker smiled back down at her and bent down, pecking her forehead "Good to see you awake and walking" He looked up as his his face faltered "...Mr. Christopher.."

Christopher looked down as the feeling of being unwanted came over him

Cheyenne, seeing the poor soul being treated in such a way, let her face fall. She then sat a hand on Undertaker's chest and sent him a glare. He shrugged and then crossed his arms. Cheyenne stared at him and then grabbed his collar, dragging him down to meet her face closely as she moved them away from Christopher "Ay, Chico"

She narrowed her eyes and lift his bangs just a bit, pressing her forehead on his and staring into his orbs

"You better be nice to him, yeah? Or else, you ain't gonna hear the end of it from me. Get off you high fuckin' Horse and calm the hell down"

Cheyenne then smiled and waved back as she began to leave "I'll be outside with the Boys, holler if ya need me!"

She then cupped her mouth "Also, check on Xander for me!"

As she went too the door, Undertaker stared at her back with wide eyes, his bangs falling back over his eyes. She had never spike back to him before

At least, not like that


The silverette cleared his throat and turned around, forcing a smile to the Male. Christopher let out a small chortle "Must be a fun life, hm?" Undertaker shrugged "Eh, well.."

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