they get jealous...again.

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ALRIGHT WHO'S THE LIL SHIT WHO'S MAKING THE CHILD JEALOUS?! He'll be absolutely pissed when a random man gets your attention, his minds just wants the mans blood spilled all over the place, but instead, Brahms wraps his arms around your waist and glares daggers at the man, who gets freaked out by the mask and runs off...victory!


Haha, nope! If someone were to make Michael jealous, they'd be fucked. When you have to work with another man for a project at work/school, michael is immediately not happy with it, it only takes three days for the man to be on the news, with at least 28 stab wounds covering his body. [If anyone gets that reference, you're awsome.]


You had to write to a guy across the street for help because your water heater was broken, it ended up with you keeping in touch with the man, texting him frequently, hes a pretty funny guy actually, less to your liking, chucky didn't want you talking to any man that wasnt him. So one day, the man texted you a picture, it was of chucky...holding his dismembered head, you kicked chucky down the basement stairs for killing your friend.


Well shit, double trouble for whoever pisses them off. You were hanging out with an old friend you've known since the 5th grade, you two were watching a movie when billy and stu walked into the house and saw you two, billy immediately wanted to kill him, and stu wanted to grab you and just run from the man, they ended up doing didnt speak to them for two weeks because they killed your best friend, it wouldve been longer, but they kept breaking into your apartment...


Hes a cannibal, he fears nothing!! ...okay, maybe squirrels, but those lil shits are angry! You were helping nubbins lure some teens home while chop watched from the shadows, one of the men from the group decided to grab your ass, flirting with you in the creepiest way. When you all got back home with the teens, chop-top appeared from the halls and grabbed the man by the wrist, saying he calls this one. The man couldn't really be used for food, the meat was basically toxic from all the burnt things on it, like candles and melted dolls on his face, also, all his limbs were missing anyways.


Happens more frequently than youd thing, hes very insecure about his...everything. when you need to go out into town to get something, Thomas cant help but watch from a distance, when he sees some boys making googly eyes at his (y/n), he cant stop a million emotions from flowing from his head...there was a massacre in town that night. Like he said: his (y/n).

Nubbins ~~~~~~~~~~

GeT sTaBbEd BiTcHeS, he'll definitely go crazy mode very quickly, if a single man cat calls you, he will have absolutely no hesitation in stuffing his guts where his eyes are supposed to be. Keyword, supposed.


Oh boy, hes such an innocent bby, why would you not give him all your attention day and night? When he sees you talking to a man checked into the hotel a lot, He'll have a sneaking suspicion you're unfaithful, and practically smother you with affection, you were so busy with Norman's new obsession over you that you didnt notice the man checked into the hotel never checked out...godamnit norma.


They're dead, that's that, they will die and their body will end up in a lake not far from a hotel. You were surprised at first, but shes already done it constantly, shes a godamn yandere, but shes as sweet as can be to you, so who cares about a few dozen deaths?

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