them if they fell for you.

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...its been a really long time since ive written in this, hasn't it? Well...hi!

Im not gonna lie i came back to this book specifically because i watched House Of Wax and fell for Vincent...that said, i welcome these two new characters to the book, Bo and Vincent Sinclair!!


He stalks with love...meaning he basically just stalks. He watches you from the walls, nearly never taking his eyes off you...ever. You will usually never bathe or piss in peace. I'd say he'd be possessive of you if you bring people in the house, but he'd just fucking kill them the second they walk through the door. No others, only Brahms.


He silently watches you, notating every single thing he sees you do more than once, your favorite places to go, the family members you're still in contact with, the clothing preference, he practically memorizes your entire life without you even noticing he's doing it....its a weird way to show love, but at least he's getting to know you.


This man hates love, his last lover was, in his eyes, an absolute bitch, now he's kind of paranoid about other relationships. He might accidentally be nice to you and then just stop in place like he's rebooting.


[I hope I'm better at writing a poly relationship now, I've had a bit more practice with poly relationships irl]

They may have already been dating each other, so when one, most likely Billy, started falling for you first, he was absolutely terrified. He felt like he was acting like Stu wasn't enough, so he just started burying it up, it started coming out in aggressive ways, first towards you, then towards Stu, once that happened he bursted out in tears and explained his problem. Stu suggested trying out a polyamory situation, Billy was slightly hesitant because he felt like he would be selfish, but Stu was all for it, even if he didn't know who you were, he's more than willing to try new things.


He gives you stuff, like an animal tooth necklace or old broken sunglasses with wilted flowers wrapped all over it, he likes to think it shows beauty in strange scenarios, like how he loves you even though he's the person everyone least expects to be a simp.


Flustered conversations, offering to help you with everything, and trying his best to compliment you even though he's terrible at it. He tries his damnedest, and honestly this adorable texan boy is doing great.


He teaches you stuff he's good at cause he wants to do them with you. Like photography, 'meal' catching, and animal hunting/skinning. Your first kill will be a picture he adores forever.


[I binged the entire Psycho series, now i understand Norman a bit better]

Well....its complicated. The 'Motherly' voice that calls to him tells him he's a disgusting perverted boy for being near you, so he's often showing his affection by locking himself away from you to keep his Mother from doing something to you...sometimes she's quiet enough for him to ignore, and he loves to spend that time beside you, because he knows its back to isolation when Mother is loud again.


By sharing everything about herself, all her trauma and all her childhood issues, if you stay after that, she knows its not just a crush, she knows she's found her soulmate.


If you ignore his issues, his voices, his sudden outbursts and severe anger...thats how he falls for you, he doesn't want you to fear him, but his head is so loud that he can't do a single thing to stop it...he wants you to get the fuck away from him, but the second you're gone, even just downtown at the store, he feels like the flashbacks and the voices are so loud and so angry at him....please, keep him away from his head, he needs you to make them fucking stop..


If you understand him, his past and his present, he'll be head over heels...but also paranoid. 'What will they do? Will they call the police on me? Do they hate me now??', he hates how badly his mind thinks of you,'re a tear in his head, his dark, trauma riddled head. He loves those times when You're next to him and that tear is big enough for him to just...slip through. Then its just the two of you, and for however long it lasts...he enjoys those times.


Possessive and protective, he stalks wherever you're at, whether in a disguise or hiding somewhere. He watches people around you more than he watches you, because he wants to see who interacts with you in ways he needs to know about, to more or less he just likes to know which brats to be pissed at, and which to hunt down with a lot more malicious intent.

The twin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You don't leave his side when you're in hell, and he doesn't leave your side when he's in the upper world, you both switch from different levels of the earthly plane, but he doesn't like to be apart in either areas, if the two of you are in separate areas he'll get really bored and maybe a little sad...unless he's in the upper world and you're in hell, then he's unbelievably worried about how many demons and showmen would try to get you...also sticky fingered human children, he hates those and needs you to shoo them away.

Bo Sinclair~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sarcasm and teasing. if you didn't notice, he acts really kind to people he despises or plans to harm, but he has no issue with shoving and yelling at people he cares for. So if he falls for you, he goes in between nice teases and absolute brutal ones, although he'll act get really worried if you start to cry from one.

Vincent Sinclair~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He watches you and your form of affection, then adapts to it, since he really doesn't have much affection he's given or has received, he relies on you to help him find his way to love. He'll most likely be really hug and cuddle centered.

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