pregnant (s/o)! [part 1 of 2]

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The second he finds out, hes an immediate wreck, rushing anywhere and everywhere in the house with baby-proofing stuff, anything baby sized is now either locked or taped shut, have fun getting the tape off thr cabinets.

'BLOODY HELL WE'VE BEEN BEHIND ON CHILD CARE" "Brahms, I've only been pregnant for three months--" "THREE MONTHS BEHIND, FUCK."


Quiet boi is now happy boi, picking you up and twirling you around while laughing and crying his eyes out, you're probably going to be seeing michael around the house more often, hes almost always watching you, you bet your ass hes already making a baby room.

"Love?" "yes michael?" "Do you think the baby would want a mask like mine?" "...michael the baby wouldnt be able to breathe in that, it's a baby." " you think its want a knife--" "--MICHAEL NO-"


HoW tHe FuCk?


Stu is immediately a happy murder boi, and Billy is immediately a panicc boi, billy is immediately making calls to get a crib, bassinet, stroller, all that shit, while stu is just holding you in his arms with an idiotic smile on his face, Billy's gonna be babyproofing the while damn house while stu just wants to hug you and love you for the entire 9 months.♡

"STU THE CRIB HAS A SPLINTER ON THE BOTTOM!" "shhhhh! (Y/n)'s asleep!" "...awee.."



this cowboy crackhead is gonna be extremely happy, as breeding is lightly encouraged in the sawyer family, [we're just gonna pretend drayton doesnt exist for a second heeereee..], expect him to play music around you more often, hes definitely gonna try to sing little nursery rhymes his mama sang to him while your asleep.

"--and they all rolled over and one fell out.." "hm..? Chop? Why are you still awake?" "I'm singing to the baby..!" "...I love you, so much."


Is a happy, yet innocent boi, he goes to his mama for help on babys and stuff, so you're just gonna have to he patient while he learns how to not freak out while you're sleeping, will lowkey forget half of everything and become really focused when hes near your pregnant self.

"Mama, how do you knit baby clothes?" "Mama, how do you make baby food?" "MAMA THE BABY KICKED WHAT DO I DO-" "MAAMMAAAAAA"


Names, we must name the child! He immediately buys a fuck ton of baby books, but even he knows a pregnant lady's gotta eat, so he buys a fuck ton of food too, he reads through all the parenting books and pregnancy books, lowkey the most prepared daddy ever, but he's definitely not the best at naming..

"Simon?" "No." "lisa?" "Nope." "..orane?" "No way." "...Nintendo?" "Godamnit nubbins."


PANIC, PANIC! He is NOT prepared for this, he needs to protect you and a baby now, I mean, dont get him wrong, he absolutely loves the idea of having a kid, but..hes already gotta protect you from mother, what if mother tries to kill the kid too?? Oh nooo...little does he know, mother loves the unborn baby and talks with you constantly now, the baby has definitely improved your relationship with norma, but norman doesnt know that.

"So, what's the babys name?" "I dont know yet." "Maybe something old fashioned? Daisy is a nice name." "True, wait, does norman know you like me now?" "No, and I'm never telling him, hes been a pain lately."


Actually, shes the one that's preggo. [Sperm donation.👌] you're a prepared mama, anything she wants, shes getting, shes basically spoiled all year, but shes also pretty prepared, she bought a lot of big clothing for when she cant fit in her own, you're two proud parents.

"(Y/nnn)." "What?" "The babys kicking." "Wait what the fUCK IT CAN DO THAT--"

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