you do something cute or badass!

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You did a baby grabby hands motion for him to hug you, and he immediately smothered you with love, you got what you wanted, but you're not getting up until he falls asleep.


You started singing a nursing rhyme, swinging around and laughing at the end, he just stood there and smiled, he absolutely adores you...!


You were drawing a picture of chucky as a human, he found it when you were done and just stared at it, he thought you made him look awsome as hell and started mumbling about loving you, but you walked in...he panicked.

"I love this woman..."

"What'd you say chucky?"



You were asked to babysit, and since billy and stu were gone, you decided you would, the baby was crying and you were shushing it and rocking it around, Billy and stu walked in quietly because they thought you were asleep, they walked in to see you and the baby asleep on a chair, they both just turned into fanboys.


You decided to help Thomas with the traps, and chop didn't know that's what you were doing, so he started running towards the trap field, you sprinted as fast as you could and tackled him to the ground, you both landed next to a bunch of traps, you started laughing and he just smiled, saying that you're his little guardian angel.


You and momma were making dinner, and you had the idea to try and make a cake, So she got out the stuff you needed and watched as you tried to make one. Keyword: tried. Thomas walked in to see you covered in frosting with Momma chuckling away at his sticky girlfriend. [WAIT THATS NOT PERVERTED I SWEAR-], he walked over and smiled at you, making you boop his nose with frosting on her two had a frosting fight in the end of it, momma approves.👍


Nubbins was sick, and the family was almost out of food, so you went off to get some yourself, playing the 'helpless woman' role to get into a nice person's van. Nubbins was worried sick because he couldn't find you, and when Momma said there was a van pulling up, he felt like his heart stopped, but when you got out of the driver's seat, covered in blood and smiling, he immediately felt pride. You brought back three people, who were originally gonna drive you home...they probably should've checked your pockets, they would've lived longer.


You were off in town to get cleaning supplies for the motel, when you got a text from norman, saying he needed you back ASAP, so you sighed and paid for the things, rushing off back to the motel to see why norman needed you. When you got there, a middle aged woman was at the counter, screaming at norman, wich sort of pissed you off, so you walked to the other side of the counter and told norman to go to his office and relax, he did and shut the door...mother took over and heard you screaming at the top of your lungs, the lady was absolutely horrified at your words, but mothers pretty proud.


You were talking to Anna when a police officer walked in, claiming she was seen at the scene of a crime and needed to be questioned, you knew she might've done it, but you weren't gonna let them take her, she'd break immediately..! So you stood up and lied, saying she had a sister who was visiting town from the state over, who just left today, the police knew she had a sister, but this one didnt know she was already dead, so he just said thank you for the information and left, when he did, Anna smiled and jumped on you, hugging you tightly, saying thank you and loving the hell outta you.

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