their jealousy on a scale.

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Characters for this book and their origins include:


-Brahms, The Boy.

-Michael, Halloween.

-Chucky, Childs Play.

-Stu Macher, Scream.

-Billy Loomis, Scream.

-Chop-top, Texas chainsaw massacre 2.

Bubba: Texas chainsaw massacre (most of them)

Thomas hewit: Texas chainsaw massacre reboot.

Nubbins: Texas chainsaw massacre.

John: Hush.

Norman: Psycho.

Marina: Mercy Black.

Billy Lenz: Black Christmas.

Ryan: (I forgot the movie name, but I think its something like 'the house across the street')

The twin: Devils carnival.

Jason: Friday the 13th. (All except original)

Freddy: Nightmare on Elm street.

Bo Sinclair: house of wax.

Vincent Sinclair: house of wax.

Eddie Gluskin: Outlast Whistleblower (video game)

Jimmy Hall: At dead of night (video game)



He is extremely unhinged and by God he will be just as unhinged when you talk to people. He refuses to let you socialize, what if you get bored of him and decide that you love somebody else?



Not a jealous type...but definitely the possessive and obsessive type. The difference is that he is constantly this way, just...all the time.

Depends, if you count this as jealousy he'd be a 10/10.


Nope. He's an asshole, a murderer, and a psychotic doll, but he's not the type to take over your free will -at least that's what he'll tell you-. Just make sure you don't cross lines he sets up, and you and your friends will remain unstabbed.

3/10. Strangely chill.

Stu Macher~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Not at all, really. He's not the type to doubt your trust....other people though..if he thinks they're doing something, he will absolutely try to whisk you away. If its you talking more, he absolutely trusts you and will just stand off to the side and let you be you.

2/10. Two is for the fact that he will most likely murder anyone who would make you uncomfortable.

Billy Loomis~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oh jesus christ, this man is horrible. He is possessive and restricts most if not all of your free will simply to have total control over you so you don't leave him. This is the worst type of person.



He seems extremely lenient and chill, but you would never know how jealous he could get...because anybody outside the Sawyer family is immediately killed when they come face-to-face with him. If they are in his vicinity, they die, so you can't find out if he's the jealous type.

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