Chapter 36: Results

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I am walking up the courthouse steps with my husband beside me. Today we find out what punishment my mom and stepfather will receive for hurting me. I am nervous to see them. I haven't had any contact with them since they were arrested.

Jimin: "You ready?" He leans close to me and whispers in my ear. He keeps his hand on the small of my back the whole way up the stairs. I am not sure if he is afraid I am going to fall because he knows that I am clumsy... or if he just wants to be supportive today... or if he just likes having his hands on me.

I sigh because I know this will probably be an emotional day. Once we get to the top of the stairs we are met with flashing lights and microphones in our faces.

Reporter 1: "Mrs. Park. Do you have anything to say to your parents?"

Reporter 2: "Could the relationship between you and your parents be repairable?"

The trial has become a major news spectacle. Different headlines read: "Daughter Attacked By Evil Parents".... "The Worst Parents On Earth"... "Backstabbing Mom Being Sentenced Today"... "Couple Tried To Kill Daughter For Inheritance Money." Aggressive reporters were in my face every time I show up to the courthouse. I continue walking inside and don't answer any questions.

When we sat down in the courtroom, I saw Yohan and Jungkook already waiting for things to get started.

The proceedings began with victim impact statements from me, Jimin and Jungkook.

Jungkook spoke about how he was bribed and manipulated by my stepfather.

Jimin spoke about his shop being burned down by my stepfather.

I spoke of the pain I felt from my parents' betrayal. There was not a dry eye in the house.

The judge sentenced my stepdad to 25 years in prison. He will likely die in prison.

The judge also sentenced my mother to 25 years. But because she testified against my stepfather, her sentence was suspended - everything except time served. She has a long probation period in a halfway house, also she must do community service for 5 years. She is not allowed to contact me. If she does, she will be sent back to prison to serve the rest of her 25 years. Unfortunately, this all means that she will walk free.

Long story short. He is going to prison and she isn't.

After court was dismissed, Jungkook and I spoke over coffee.

Jungkook: "Here are the drinks." He sits down across from me at the table with a cappuccino for me and an Americano for himself.

Y/N: "Thank you for the coffee. I wanted to talk to you because I set up a bank account to use to pay your parents' medical bills." I state as I hand him the booklet with the account information.

Jungkook: "Thank you so much. I don't know how to thank you." He smiled... a genuine smile. I just realized how handsome he is.

Y/N: "Jungkook... You have a handsome smile. I hope you will smile more often now that your parents will get the treatment they need." I say with a small smile. Jungkook takes in a deep breath. Then he closes his eyes and breathes out that type of exhale that released his worries... It was like I could see all his pain and burdens leave his body with that one breath.

Y/N: "This account is only to be used for the medical treatment and will be monitored by my accountant." I explain.

Jungkook nods aggressively before 'Niagara Falls' down his cheeks. I give him a tissue and he blows his nose extra loud and gross. His eyes are puffy and his nose is red.

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