Chapter 18: Little Mochi

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Y/N: "Yeah, you can start anew."


Jimin was distraught. I have never seen him that upset. Ever. He sat in the same chair for three days straight, staring into space. He wouldn't eat, sleep or do anything. PJ's Coffee Shop meant everything to him. I watched over him, except when Yohan would come and take over when I was tired.

This is how everything would play out...

Y/N: "Please eat something. I made you some stew." I requested and blew off the heat and put the spoon up to his mouth. Still staring into space, he shook his head no.

A little while later...

Y/N: "I made you your favorite... meat... I also have kimchi...and fruit. Open up and taste." I directed him. I got extremely close to his face, fully concentrated on my task. Grabbing his jaw from under his chin, trying to force him to open his mouth. He forcefully turned his head to the right... away from the fork. I was hoping one of these would entice him... but noooooo, he's so stubborn.

Even later...

Y/N: "You gotta eat something. Well at least drink something. You can't live without water. Drink." I beg. He took the cup from me, took a few sips, then handed me the cup.

Y/N: "Good job baby." I smiled at him and patted his head like a kid and gave him a big hug that he didn't return. That's ok... progress was made. Now I need to do something about this three-day-funk. Oh my God, he stinks.

Y/N: "Lemme get you cleaned up and changed, OK?" I was basically pleading with my eyes. He nodded yes, stood up, and followed me to the bathroom, like a little kid. He's cute even when he smells like a trash dump.

I took his clothes off, and put him in the shower and cleaned his body... I noticed how super slim he is now. He has lost too much weight in my opinion. I hope it's just diet and exercise and not anything more... I put on his underwear, socks and some pajamas. I even brushed his teeth.

Thinking to myself... He did this for me, and I am happy to do this type of thing for him. These are things you do for the people you love... You love them no matter what. Sickness and in health... Gosh I am sounding like wedding vows. Anyway...

I put Jimin to bed by giving him some sleepy medication that he took without protest. He needs rest after what happened. I sat on the side of the bed just looking at my sweetheart. I rubbed and patted his back for a while and gave him a kiss on the cheek. As I was going to get up, he turned to face me.

Jimin: "Please stay." His voice was sleepy and sad. His eyes were closed.

I smiled and laid in the bed facing him. Although he never opened his eyes, he takes my waist and pulls me close to his body. He squeezes the life out of me, but I don't care. He snuggles into my chest while I run my fingers through his hair. It smells so good now that he's clean. I kiss the top of his head and his forehead. This woke him up because he opened his eyes and looked up at me. He smiled. A happy smile... then snuggled his face back into my chest. He took some deep breaths against my skin. I know that he was just taking in my scent... that I know he loves. We stay in that position the whole night.


I wake up to the scent of Y/N. I can feel that my cheek is against her bare skin. I rub my nose on her softly and inhale a super deep breath to fill my lungs with her wonderful scent. She smells like coconuts. I press my lips against her to slowly peck her skin. I start grinning because this is how I want to wake up every day. Only when I slowly open my eyes do I see that my face is in between her boobs...

...and one is uncovered. I couldn't help but stare for a few seconds... OK more like several minutes.  I watched her chest rise and fall with each breath. DDaeng! Little mochi has appeared.

I get up and run to the bathroom to 'shower' and 'relieve myself'. I was in there for a while. When I finish up, I see Y/N is already in the kitchen warming up the stew she made yesterday.

She is wearing one of my button-down shirts. It's not big on her... it's very snug. Since she's thick I can see every curve on her petite body... She is leaning on the counter a little bent over, so her booty is poking out... She is stirring the stew... so her bra-less top half is jiggling with every move... I want to smack the bottom half so that it can jiggle too... but I don't. I lick my lips like she is my next meal... and I'm hungry.... She looks over her shoulder when she feels my presence. She looks me up and down and giggles.

Jimin: "What?" I question and shrug my shoulders.

Y/N: "Uhh.. you might need another shower because little mochi is very visible." She lifts a brow, smirking. I look down... geez he's back.

Y/N: "Aren't you gonna go to the bathroom to take care of that!?" She looks down at little mochi, never averting her eyes.

Jimin: "To me it looks like you want to take care of him." I wink but run to the bathroom after she throws a dishcloth at me.


Y/N: "Dear God. Them gray sweatpants had me... wooo!" I said that way too loud because I could hear Jimin laughing in the bathroom....

I fan myself because of the heat I feel... not attributed to the stew I am warming up.

It took him FOREVER to take care of his business.... and it's the SECOND time around. I finished eating, put his food out, cleaned up the kitchen, made the bed, picked out something to wear, dusted the living room, and vacuumed the floor before he was done.


I went along with Jimin to the scene of the fire to see if there was anything to salvage... to file an insurance claim... and now a Real-estate investor.

Y/N: "Jimin, why are we at the real-estate office?" 

Jimin: "I am going to sell my cafe. I don't want to rebuild. Your husband won." His face was so sad while he was telling me this.

Y/N: "No, not today, it's not over!" I smack him upside the head. He looks at me with pure shock.

Jimin: "Yes. I am. I've made my decision and I-" He gets cut off by the investor walking into his office.

Y/N and Jimin: "KIM SEOK JIN???" Both of our eyes widen and jaws drop.

Jin: "Yes, that's me. You guys should close your mouths before something flies into them." He sits at his desk.

Jin looks over a file on his desk. He nods his head a few times saying "hmm". We lean forward in anticipation as to what he will say... Then he shakes his head while saying "Oh" a few times. Our shoulders slumping each time he did that. We went back and forth like that maybe five times before Jin FINALLY looks up at us. The suspense is killing me.

Jin: "Well you are not in a good situation. We wouldn't usually assist or purchase buildings in this condition." He says with a straight face. Jimin's hope deflates and I feel that I could see his soul leave.... Jin speaks again.

Jin: "HOWEVER, since I know you AND because Y/N is your friend... we will purchase the building. Let's go over some paperwork." He hands the paperwork to Jimin.

While Jimin isn't looking, Jin winks at me and smiles. He points his finger between Jimin and I with his eyebrows raised. (asking if Jimin and I are together) I smile like a Cheshire cat and shake my head 'yes'. He smiles back at me then points to a frame with a picture of a woman and two boys. He mouthed 'my family'. I am so happy that Jin and his wife worked things out and now his family is whole... Like it is supposed to be.

Now if I could only fix MY OWN LIFE.


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