Chapter 7: Profile

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Thanks for everyone who read my story so far. It might sound strange, but I am extremely happy to have over 70 views! I would appreciate any advice on how to be a better FF writer since I am a newbie. Not on content but writing creativity.

I am a plus size woman and this story reflects exaggerated personal experience.

***Update 9/13/20 - I was happy about 70 reads but now I have over 7000! Thanks to everyone for your support! I appreciate the votes and comments!***

Note 9/24/20... Thanks to everyone for 9000+ reads!



I knock on the door. When the door opens, the first thing I see is...

Y/N: "Yohan? What are you doing here?" My eyes stretch as big as two plates. (O.O) I am totally surprised to see Yohan. I didn't think Jimin was feeling him like that. Well at least he is FINALLY dating.

Yohan: "Well hello to you too!" He says with an exaggerated expression, putting his hand on his heart to fake being hurt since I didn't say hello before anything else.

Y/N: "I'm sorry about my rude greeting. I am just very surprised to see you here." I express as Yohan opens the door wider so I can walk inside.

Jimin: "Come on in bestie!" He yells from a back room. I walk in the house, remove my shoes and flop down on the couch.

Jimin comes out of his bathroom in only a towel. His body is really looking good these days. Wow. I can't help but stare at his abs.  They are just glistening wet with bath water. I can't take my eyes off them.

Y/N: "So what are you two up to? Did I interrupt something?" I question suspiciously while looking between Jimin and Yohan a few times.

Jimin: "No no no. I just spilled all the food I was cooking all over myself. I felt really icky, so I took a quick shower" He smiles shyly, running his hands through his dripping golden locks. He starts drying off with another towel.

Y/N: "Oh I see," I say sarcastically and smirk... I think to myself... 'SURE I didn't interrupt. He's showing all the goods to Yohan... SURE.'

Y/N: "Do you need my help cleaning up or anything?" I ask and stand up from the couch. I walk toward the kitchen to look for the mess that I am sure Jimin left behind.

Yohan: "No Y/N. I took care of it while he was in the shower. I also ordered Pizza." He interjects and smiles. Proud of his good job... I just know he's trying to win some brownie points with my bestie.

Jimin: "Wow Yohan! You are awesome. Thank you." Smiling brightly at Yohan.

Jimin: "Sooo uh, Y/N what brings you by? I thought you were out with your 'Boo-thang', Hoseok?" He sincerely asked.

Y/N: "That is why I wanted to talk to you... Because I broke up with Hoseok and I needed to vent." I huff out a huge sigh and look down to avoid looking at the two pairs of eyes.

Jimin: "Oh no. Do you want to talk about it alone tomorrow since I have company today?" He asks while putting on gray sweats. No, Jimin... not gray sweatpants... now I still can't look him in the face because I am beet red from looking elsewhere.

Y/N: "Maybe I should wait until tomorrow. I mean... since you guys are hanging out, I don't wanna dampen the mood here." I frown. Yohan then speaks up.

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