Chapter 14: Engagement Dinner

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I take a deep breath before walking into the dining room. I see my parents, a couple about their age, and I assume the man I am supposed to marry, Jungkook.  I introduce myself and sit beside Jungkook, as that was the only seat left at the table. 


*Age: 25
*Height: 5'11"
*Build: Slim yet muscular
*Complexion: Fair
*Eyes: Dark Brown
*Hair: Dark Brown
*Future CEO in our family's company.
*Rents a penthouse
*Never Married
*No children

Jungkook is really handsome and well groomed. His hair is perfectly lined up. He has a strong masculine air about him which is accentuated by his tightly tailored suit. He is sitting at the table with his legs crossed and arms crossed in front of his chest. From his body language I can see that he is just as happy to meet me as I am to meet him. Meaning UNHAPPY.  I noticed his chest deflate when he first saw me walk in. The disappointment was evident. I am so unhappy about this. How am I going to get through this meeting without crying...? 

I'm trying so hard to keep my mind on Jimin. Thinking of him makes me smile. But also sad because I have not told him about this "wedding." I am afraid. All of this time he waited for me... I think I might cry. 

I haven't had a conversation with Jungkook, but I already hate him. I hate him for "taking me as a wife." Ugh. My life is trash.

My parents and Jungkook's parents spend the entire time discussing wedding details as I tune them out. Jungkook and I don't even look at each other. He keeps sighing every two seconds, while I roll my eyes every time he sighs. Hiding my phone under the table, I text Jimin to tell him that I am going to stop by his house later to talk.  When someone says, "we need to talk", you are being dumped. I know Jimin is very worried. I am looking down at my phone waiting for Jimin's reply, but I feel a pain on my thigh. Jungkook is squeezing the heck out of my thigh. 

Y/N: "Ouch! What the heck!" I say way too loud. Everyone in the restaurant turns around to look at our table in confusion. 

Jungkook: "I am so sorry, Y/N. I accidentally stepped on her foot." He lies. Then grabs my wrist very hard and pulls me out of my seat.

Y/N: "What... stop." I whine.

Jungkook: "I apologize, but I am going to take my lovely fiancé away for a bit." He smiles at our parents and drags me away to an empty storeroom.

Y/N: "What the heck are you doing?!? Let go! You are hurting my wrist!" I yelp. I break away from his grip.

Jungkook: "Look here girl..." He speaks roughly.

Y/N: "Girl???" No he did not just call me "girl." Who does he think he is?

Jungkook: "Yes... GIRLY... we need to get some things straight before we go any further... neither of us want to marry each other." He barks.

Y/N: "Duh" I roll my eyes. I go for the door to leave the room, but he blocks the door so that I cannot leave.

Jungkook: "Hold on here... I see you texting your little boyfriend. You need to give that up now because no one is going to stand in my way from getting your dad's position. The ONLY way I can get it - is to marry YOU. Ugh. I wish your daddy had another daughter... a better looking one." He belittles me. My eyes widen at that mean statement. He looks me up and down as if I were something disgusting. I start to tear up.

Y/N: "Well my daddy didn't have a BETTER looking daughter... and it don't matter because we are NOT getting married... you psycho." I say angrily. 

Jungkook: "Oh, you're marrying this psycho... I did my research on you and your JIMIN. I know he owns that little coffee shop. I know he's been working on it for YEARS... Well honey... I know how to ruin ALL his hard work.... So, if you want him to keep his business...  Break up with him.... tonight."  He evilly says through his teeth. 

Y/N: "Why are you treating me this way? You don't even know me!" I snap back.

Jungkook: "Well because I just don't like you." He shrugs, adjusts and brushes off his suit and leaves the room, shutting the door.

I put my hand on my chest and count to 100 to calm down. I wipe the streaming tears. 

I can't do this... but if I don't, Jungkook will hurt Jimin's coffee shop... 

...but Jimin worked soooo hard... That shop is his baby... He is so happy there... If Jungkook can hurt him that way... what else can he do???

This hurts. I love Jimin. What should I do?


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