Chapter 32: No More Time

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The very next morning Jimin and I went to see my lawyer. We are sitting in front of the lawyer's desk. I explained to him all of the happenings... from beginning to end. And boy, it was a lot. The lawyer just sat with his jaw on the floor. He would shake his head in disbelief. He sighed over and over and mouthed "Oh my God" several times while using  his fingers to rub his temples in a circular motion.

LAWYER: "W-wow! This is overwhelming for me. How are you holding up?"

Y/N: "I'm actually doing ok." I said with a half-smile. I didn't notice that Jimin eyed the lawyer and shook his head "no".

I lied. Jimin knew it. The truth was I'm not ok... not ok at all. I was pretending to be strong. I did not want to show people on the outside that I was weak. I could collapse at any moment.... Collapse from stress. Jimin is holding me together... (like a good man should. ;-) ) If he only knew how grateful I am to him.

I feel his fingers slide between mine and feel a squeeze. He gave me a secure feeling.

Jimin: "Earth to Y/N." He says while squeezing my hand and bumping his arm into mine.

Y/N: "Oh, huh? Sorry." I say because I was in another world and wasn't listening to what the lawyer was saying.

Lawyer: "Skimming through all of the forms, I notice your birthday is in three days. You do know that you have to be a married woman that day to actually receive your inheritance... Right???" He mentions while flipping through the papers, licking his thumb with each page turn. He is checking for anything else we need to do.

Y/N: "OH NO!" I yell... it finally hits me. I sit upright in the chair and turn toward Jimin. I slap his arms really hard on impulse, making him flinch with pain.

Jimin: "Ouch... What the heck woman!" He hollers while dodging my multiple slaps to his arms.

Y/N: "I forgot! It's so close! Jimin... we need to get married. Uh... I mean, will you please marry me... like tomorrow... I know this is a terrible proposal. I am sure you wanted to do it. But there is no time... I need... we need... do you even want to? I knew we were going to marry... but we never actually verbalized it and I don't want to lose you because you feel pressured and yo-." Sounding like an auctioneer, I ramble all of that out with one breath. But Jimin stops me by putting his index finger on my lips. He doesn't remove his finger from my lips but does turn toward the lawyer.

Jimin: "Would you be able to arrange for us to marry tomorrow?" He takes charge of the situation. His finger is still on my lips, which form a smile underneath.

Lawyer: "Yes, I will, I have connections." He smiles warmly at us.

I try to open my mouth to say something, but Jimin presses his finger more firmly than at first to stop me from speaking.

Jimin: "That would be very helpful because my parents are out of the country right now. We appreciate it." He smiles then bows to the lawyer.

That finger has been on my mouth for too long. I know my man is trying to take charge of the situation, but he needs to move that finger out of my face before he loses it... I swear I will bite that thing off... no not really. I smirk when a naughty idea comes to me...  I take advantage of the situation. I slide my tongue out of my mouth and start licking his finger.  When he feels the wetness on his finger, he turns toward me with a horrified look on his face. He quickly retrieves his hand then turns to the lawyer who shifts his eyes downward toward the paperwork to avoid our eyes. I flash a toothy smile before chuckling. He glared at me.

Jimin: "What are you doing?" He asked in a serious tone.

Y/N: "Well, you shouldn't have stuck your finger in my face... you know how I react to pointy things in my face." I say while folding my arms over my chest.

Both Jimin and the lawyer turned red at my words.



Jimin: "Y/N, do you know how embarrassing that was?!?!?!?  My short stuff is always doing something crazy." He says in a playful tone and bends down to give me a peck on my lips. He bends down again and pulls me into him by my waist. I wait with my eyes closed ready to receive my kiss. Nothing touches my lips. He didn't kiss me. I open my eyes to see him looking down at me with those beautiful mono-lids barely open because of the huge smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile back at this wonderful man.

Suddenly he picks me up off the ground a little and he spins me around... giggling the entire time he's making me dizzy. He finally stops spinning and plops me down on the couch while he falls to his knees in front of me between my lower legs. He is breathing heavy from picking all this up... but he doesn't care. He loves ALL this.

Still on the floor between my legs, he starts rubbing his hands up and down the front of my thighs. Not in a sexual way... just lovingly. When he got to my knees, he pats them.

Jimin: "Lovely?" He smiled wildly. I just answered with "hmm" and reached to play with his hair a little.

Jimin: "You know at the lawyer's office earlier, you asked me to marry you. I know it was kinda a stressful moment realizing you have limited time....  Well...  you were right about something. I didn't like your proposal.... at all. As the man... I want to be the one to propose to you. Do you understand?" He admits while grabbing my hands and I nod my head 'yes'.

Jimin: "That being said. Y/N..." He smiles like I have never seen before while digging in his pocket. I start shaking my arms with excitement and kicking my legs with anticipation. He takes a deep breath.

Jimin: "Y/N... I don't have tons of flowers, any fanfare, no special place with friends and family watching. It's just me, on both of my knees asking if you will be forever at my side as my wife?" He pulls his right hand out of his pocket with a pretty and expensive looking  ring on his little pinky.

Without a thought I grabbed it out of his hand kicking and squealing like a teenager. I stared at it for a long time. It is exquisite. He definitely has an eye for style. I smile with every tooth visible and begin to slide it on my finger. But Jimin stops me and gently pulls the ring from my hand.

Jimin: "You never answered my question." He says with a serious face.

Y/N: "OHH YESSSS! YESS! A MILLION TIMES YES!" I scream! He grins cutely and slides the ring on my finger.

He grabs and kisses the back of my hands. I am doing a happy dance in my seat, still kicking... looking like a kid. My feet barely touch the ground. I am so happy.

Jimin was getting up from the floor but stopped... doubled over in pain before rolling around on the floor moaning.

Y/N: "Oh no! What happened!? Are you sick!? Don't worry baby. I am going to get help!" I panic.

Jimin: "No need for that... You accidentally kicked me in the balls."

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