Chapter 2: My Best Friend Jimin

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I peep in dad's office.

Y/N: "Hi Da--" I stop dead in my tracks because Dad is on speaker phone with none other than... Namjoon! My eyes double in size. I quietly listen on the other side of the door.

DAD: "Yeah, so how did the date go?" He asks while leaning back in his desk chair.

Namjoon- On Speakerphone: "Awful. You didn't tell me she was SOOO uh..." He clears his throat searching for the right word...

Namjoon- On Speakerphone: "LARGE!" He says, sounding as if he has been let down. 

Dad sighs heavily then leans forward resting his left elbow on the desk, holding his forehead in his left palm.

DAD: "Well I knew you wouldn't go out with her if I told you she was FAT ahead of time." He says with a small bitter chuckle.

My countenance falls as I listened to the conversation. I feel like all of the joy has been sucked out of my body.

DAD: "I knew that once you got to know her, you would have liked her. She is independent and successful. Plus, uh... she has a really pretty face." Now he starts sounding like a shady used car salesman. I closed my eyes and they start to fill with tears. 

Namjoon- On Speakerphone: "NOOO Thank you. I'm sure she is a nice person. But, Issa no from me." He cut the call before my dad could even say goodbye.

It seems that Namjoon has a habit of 'fleeing the scene' like he did with me earlier; running out of the cafe like a coward.

My dad looked at the phone and tossed it across his desk. He balled up his face full of frustration, mumbling something inaudible. He starts on some paperwork.

Hearing how my dad feels about me was like a punch in my gut. He thinks I look so bad that he must trick someone into going out with me! I stand there for a second and suck up my tears. I say to myself "Suck it up buttercup. Suck it up buttercup. Don't cry in front of daddy." He doesn't need to know that I heard him say those things about me. I forced myself to smile before walking into his office. I waved at him with a fake smile plastered on my face.

Y/N: "Hi Daddy." I say sheepishly. He looks up from his paperwork for a second and looks back down right away, pretty much ignoring my presence. I go around to the side of the desk closest to him and leaned on the edge to get his attention.

Y/N: "I'm heading home. I was visiting with mom and wanted to say hello before I left." I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek... MUAH. I noticed that his body stiffened at my touch – which I assume is indicative of his feelings of guilt.

Y/N: "Bye daddy." I smiled before walking away from him.

DAD: "Bye sweetheart." He mumbled, not taking his eyes off his paperwork. He didn't even look me in the face.

I left out that house and sat in the car. My tears began to fall heavily. I cried silently leaning on the steering wheel for a few minutes.

My dad really hurt my feelings this time. I used the back of my hands to wipe the tears from my eyes, took a few deep breaths and drove home.



When I got home, I saw Jimin's car already pulled up in front of my house. I sighed with relief and smiled because I am so happy that he is here. 

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