Chapter 34: The Nurse

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Jimin: "Someone help! She broke her leg!" He yells as he runs into the hospital carrying me bridal style.

Y/N: "Put me down Jimin! I told you I did not break my leg!" I protest. I push on his chest to try to break free from his grasp. That just made him grip me tighter.

Jimin: "Hush. I will NOT put you down until you are checked out by a doctor!" He fusses.

Now I'm mad....... Who does he think he is talking to?!?

Y/N: "No.... YOU HUSH! Jimin, you ain't noooobody's daddy to be hushing somebody! You need to let me go before I jump down." I bark while I squirm around in his arms.

Jimin: "Oh no you don't! Stop fighting!" He grunts as he tries to hold me tighter...  in vain.



I broke free and jumped down onto the floor to my detriment. As soon as my feet touched down, I felt the pain. It was bad. Immediately, I fell on my butt with a huge 'thud'.  As if we didn't already have a lot of attention on us, we had EVERYONE watching our commotion after I hit the floor.

The pain in my leg is unbearable. It is such a shock to my system that not one sound is coming out of my mouth. It is wide open, but silent. Flies could of flown in and out of my open mouth and I wouldn't have cared one bit, because I can't move. It hurts so bad.

My makeup stained tears drop onto my pretty white dress. Jimin looks down at me and runs his fingers through his hair in frustration. He shakes his head and sighs before helping me stand on my good leg. Someone bought a wheelchair and Jimin wheeled me into my exam room. From the time I fell to the time Jimin helped me onto the bed I was completely silent. Maybe I DID break my leg?

I finally looked up at Jimin's face. His bottom lip was pouty, and his eyes looked apologetic.

Jimin: "I am sorry I let my 'short stuff, lovely baby, sweet honey, dew drop' fall down." He cooed then bent down and kissed my forehead sweetly.

Truthfully, he has nothing to apologize for. All he did was try to help me and I fought him every step. I am ashamed of myself. I lowered my head. I whimpered due to the pain and embarrassment. Jimin sat on the side of the exam bed and gave me a huge hug.

Jimin: "Awwwww... Lovely. You are so cute when you fret." He rubs the back of my hair softly and let me cry into his chest.

Y/N: "I'm sorry. I ruined the wedding and embarrassed you in the hospital lobby." I sniffle.

Jimin: "While you did act a COMPLETE FOOL in the lobby, you didn't ruin the wedding. That was an accident. It wasn't even your fault." He reassures me.



Dr Chu: "KNOCK KNOCK." He walks into the exam room with Nurse Lee.

Jimin: "Oh lord... not this dude again." I hate him. It is HIS FAULT that I was arrested the last time Y/N was in the hospital. I sigh and roll my eyes.... I rolled them sooooooo far back that I could see inside my brain.  I hate him....  Let me say that once more for the people in the back......

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