Chapter 93: Vanishing Shadows

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She never went away.

During the past few days that have passed, the bloodied girl kept appearing. No one else saw or heard her other than me. Thankfully, she never tried to harm me again. I would always catch her standing in a corner of a room, sitting near me, or even right beside me sometimes.

And every single time, she would always say the same thing.


Despite me being able to walk — more like stagger — here and there, I would still spend many of my hours sitting or laying down on my comfy bed. Not the hospital one, but an actual bed. Soon after I was able to shimmy my way across the room, the doctor moved me to a normal, vacant room.

I gave a lot of thought on what the girl meant. On what the younger version of myself meant. Dripping with blood, holding a knife and calling me a murderer. My initial thought was Nightmare. Maybe it was trying to make me drown in guilt like before. But the more I saw her, the more I became certain that it wasn't from that cursed thing.

But if it wasn't from Nightmare, then what?

A grunt of uncomfort left me when my tail felt crushed after laying on it for so long. I sat up, dragging it to the side with my hand and staring at it for a few seconds. My ears and tail weren't completely numb anymore — I was beginning to be able to feel them. It was tough and heavy, but I'm able to move them a bit now as well. Even so, I prefer to leave them hanging limp anyways seeing that I don't really understand the use of them.

"Murderer." A small voice spoke out, making me look up to see the girl standing by the closed door of my room. Despite having have seen her countless times now, her empty eyes never fails to make the shivers run down my spine.

I challenged myself give a reply. "Who is a murderer?"

The girl's mouth parted, hugging her knife close to her face as she was about to answer, but was cut off by the door being pushed open. Annie peeked her head through the small crack opened, before fully opening the door, blocking the girl from my view.

I mentally sighed, biting my tounge to keep myself from letting out harsh words out of annoyance.

"Oh, you're awake," Annie said as she made her way to me.

My eyes flickered to the clock hanging on the wall. It was late morning. "Yes. I have been for a while."

"Well why didn't you go out or something?" The blonde girl extended a hand, offering to help me get up from the bed.

"I was thinking." I took her offer, hauling myself up onto my slightly wobbly legs, slightly toppling to the side. My hand reached out to the table beside me as I focused on maintaining my balance.

Annie didn't question me after that, remaining silent as she shuffled in front of me so that she faced me and extended her other hand for me to take. I let go of the table, accepting and using Annie's empty hand for support.

The blonde girl took small steps backwards, whereas I took small steps forward, clenching both of her hands for support with every step.

"You know I can walk on my own right?" I pointed out, looking away out of embarrassment.

Annie sighed. "You literally nearly fell over when you stood up."

"Because I was laying and sitting down for hours. Everyone gets a bit dizzy when they stand up after that."

Annie looked at me for a few seconds. "Fine," she said, before abruptly letting go of one of my hands, nearly throwing me off balance. She moved to my side, helping me walk steadily only from one hand. "Now walk."

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