Chapter 82: Snowing Blood

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What a plain ceiling.

Soft sounds of snoring and steady breaths filled the room as everyone slept peacefully through the night. For an unknown reason, I couldn't fall into a deep sleep. My body was on full alert, even though there was nothing to be alert about.

My heart was racing while my stomach churned, forcing me into a ball in a desperate attempt to subside the pain. This is stupid, what's wrong with me? I can't possibly be sick, can I? But I was completely fine all day.

My head began to feel light and I closed my eyes and winced. The only feeling I'm familiar with that is similar to what I'm going to right now would be anxiety. Severe anxiety. But why would I be feeling anxious at a time like this?

I made up with Levi.

I've decided to better my plan to kill Kenny rather than just rushing forward pointlessly.

The whole group has decided to focus on the expedition first.

Even with everything that has happened, things are slowly returning to as it used to be. If anything, I should be feeling relieved. Calm. Happy. And yet, here I am, drowning in the waves of anxiety.

I tucked in deeper in my covers and screwed my eyes shut, hoping I can force myself to sleep. I focused on my breathing, slowing it down so that it matched everyone else's steady breaths. I waited several minutes, hoping my attempt would work, but it was in vain.

Frustrated, I jumped from my bed, taking my blanket and wrapping it around my shoulders as I walked outside to find something that can help me sleep properly. A part of my blanket slightly dragged on the floor, but it didn't bother me. It didn't take long for me to reach the main room, and I immediately went to the kitchen to see if we had any form of sleeping pills or something.

One by one, I searched the small cabinets that were there. "Fuck," I hissed under my breath, failing to find anything. I snatched a glass and filled with some warm water, downing it down almost instantly. At around the same time, I heard a small confused voice behind me.


I turned around, surprised to see a tired looking Armin stand near the entrance of the kitchen. "Armin? Why are you still awake?"

Armin wiped one of his eyes, stifling a yawn. "Just finished wrapping up a part of the report with Eren."

"Until this late?"

He nodded. "We'll probably stay and guard the cabin tomorrow while everyone else goes out, so it's fine. Why are you here though?"

I showed him my empty glass. "Just getting a drink. I'm gonna head back soon anyway."

"Good. You should really get a lot of rest so your wound will heal properly."

I unconsciously wrapped the blanket around me tighter, hoping that Armin wouldn't notice that there were no longer any bandages underneath the sleeve of of my turtleneck. "Y-yeah... I will. Um, I'll go back to bed now."

"O..kay..." Armin stepped aside as I tried not to rush back to my room. Fear whirled in my mind as I imagined what would happen if others found out about my completely healed arm. Would they freak out? Would they send me off to some facility to be tested and examined?

Damnit stop thinking so much.

I plopped on my bed and shoved my head into the pillow, covering myself with all the covers. I tried my best to clear my mind from troubling thoughts and just focused on trying to sleep. I let my inner thoughts roam freely in my mind as I revelled in the calmness the warm darkness offered. As my mind began unlocking the deepest thoughts is when I finally felt myself drift away into a long awaited peaceful slumber.

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