Chapter 56: We Meet Again

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Petra giggled, rushing into the open arms of her father. Despite the fact that her father didn't agree to her studying here, her bond was still as strong.

My heart clenched as I remembered the fact that I had no one like him in my life. I quickly looked away, afraid of my emotions spilling if I kept on gazing at them.

"Oi kid," a voice behind me called out. I instantly recognized the voice.

"Mr. Hannes..." I replied, turning around to meet the middle-aged man walking towards me.

"You're the last one left that I have to ask," he said, pulling me away from Petra and her father.

"Ask about what?" I questioned, confused.

"How do you feel about going on the expedition? Do you believe it's to hard for you, or are you scared or whatever?"

I thought about it silently for a moment. "No, I don't think so. I think I'm alright with it. What did Eren and Armin say?"

"They said it was fine. Though Armin did request a paramedics team on standby 24/7."

I gave a nod. "That's pretty fair."

"You sure you're okay with this?" Mr. Hanned asked again. "No taking back words."

"I'm sure," I repeated, staring into his eyes. "And I won't take back what I said."

"Huh," Mr. Hannes scoffed.  "I'm sure you'll regret saying that once your actually on the expedition."

"What?" I exclaimed.

"I'm just saying, the expedition is damn hard. Now later toots, I have to get ready for the meeting."

Honestly, I really didn't know what to say. I watched the man walk back into the school building, looking lazy and kind of tired.

Sighing, I turned around to see Petra and her father heading over towards me.

"Dad, this is my good friend, (Y/N)," Petra introduced, coming over to my side.

Out of my politeness instincts, I extended a hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you Mr. Ral."

Mr. Ral took my hand and gave a soft shake. "Ah, (Y/N). You're Petra's roommate, am I right?"

I nodded, taking back my hand. "That's right, sir."

"Well then, please do enlighten me on how Petra acts on a normal basis."

Wow, straight to the point.

"Petra... she studies when she has to, but mostly, it's group studies since she has a bit of trouble staying focused if on her own."

Mr. Ral nodded, and I continued.

"She does her share of the cleaning in our dorm, even if she needs to be budged a bit."


"She has a real positive vibe, which is really helpful since I'm always a downer. In short, Petra's a great friend and student sir. She's responsible and mature in situations where it requires her maximum potential."

Petra's father stared at me with his hazel eyes, nearly making me crumble under the pressure.

"That's good to know," he said at last. "Excuse me, I must get ready for the meeting."

He turned to Petra. "I'll see you after it."

Petra smiled and gave a nod. "Okay."

We watched him walk away, and when he was out of sight, Petra released a heavy breath. "By the walls, that was scary as hell!"

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