Chapter 25: Ride

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"Are all the bags in?" Mr. Hannes asked.

Yes, Mr. Hannes. The perv from the plane, is tagging along on this expedition, because Mr. Shadis can't handle us all running around in the forest.

We all boarded WSH's private bus, each taking their seats quietly since Shadis was right behind us.

And maybe it was because how panicked we all were that Shadis was fuming behind, we all just rushed to a seat that was available.

A pair of seats on each side, about 30 of them in total. There was also an extension from the bus that allowed us to put our bags in.

I don't know how it happened, but I ended up sitting next to fucking Levi.

Like, how the fuck does this always happen? It's like fate hates me.

Eren and Mikasa were seated in front of us, Petra and Hanji was on my other side, Armin and Erwin sat behind us, and the rest I had no idea.

"Is that everyone?" The driver asked, glancing back at us.

"That's them all," Hannes replied as he finished counting the students. "Let's head out!"

The driver gave a nod and closed the doors, waiting a moment before slowly gassing, pushing the bus forward.

The long-ass journey has started.

They said the journey would be around 6 hours, with gas breaks every 2 hours and foods stop every 3 hours. Toilet breaks aren't given a proper schedule, so whenever 2-3 people or more need to go, or 1 is nearly leaking, we'd be making emergency stops.

That's a whole lot a shit to understand, so I just remember to ding the bell if I need the loo.

And so, the 6 hour journey to a 1 month expedition has begun.

At first, everyone seemed really excited, chatting eagerly with the person mext to them.

Well, how the fuck am I supposed to chat eagerly with this bitch beside me.

We were sitting near the back, and the guys who sat at the long row seat at the very back started singing pieces of songs that eventually made the whole bus sing along.

As expected, I didn't know most of the songs they sang. Plus, Levi was looking at me like he dared me to sing along.

"What's wrong pretty pig?" Levi sneered, taking one of his ear buds off. "Can't sing?"

I blushed lightly at his comment. Not because he called me 'pretty'..... pig, but I get embarassed when people mention that to me. I can't tell if I have a good voice when I sing, and that's why I refuse to. Not to mention, most songs were unfamiliar to me.

"Bitch if you don't shut the fuck up you'll be dead before you know it."

Most of the guys continued on joking around and singing songs with weird lyrics that made me genuinely laugh or just cringe.

Basically it stayed like that for a whole two hours.

We reached our first gas stop, and everyone still seemed to be quite active. They were all looking out their window, making snarky comments about everything.

I couldn't even look out the window since Levi was the one that sat closest to it, and he wasn't gonna share the view.

I sighed. What a ride.

I slouched in my seat, mentally groaning. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Levi glance my way, popping his bubblegum balloon.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning around and raising an eyebrow in confusion. Levi held out his hand, a wrapped up bubblegum candy on it.

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