Chapter 35 :" The Power to Hurt "

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" Do you miss him already ?" her sister's teasing voice,  made Swara blush as she realized it was harder to hide anything from someone,  who knew you like the back of their hand.

And it was true ,she missed him because he went  to work without waking her up, and she dozed off well into the day due to jet lag and was relieved when she woke to find her sister and her nephew stayed behind till she was awake.

" He will be home soon, do you really like him that much ," her sister continued her teasing , at her silence,  as once again Swara eyes drifted towards the door .

And she froze to see two familiar faces walking inside the house , her mother and her bade maa . Swara had planned to visit her parents with Sanskar ,but she hadn't expected them to visit her soon.

If it was just her mother , Swara probably would have run straight into her embrace ,because in spite of the difference of opinion between them . She missed her mother ,but because her aunt was with her mother ,she held herself back from doing anything rash.

After the warm greeting ,her aunt asked after Ragini . And since Swara didn't want to her aunt to find fault with her daughter ,she was quick to explain that Ragini was resting in her room because she had an headache. 

Because for her aunt ,nothing is more important than greeting guests in person and she would blame Ragini for not being around even when her poor cousin was indeed ill.

And once her aunt made her way to her cousin room , Swara was glad to have her mother's full attention as she basked in her questions and answered them with a smile , as she fondly remembered the trip.

Soon Sanskar's aunt who had went to visit her friend returned and took over the conversation,  as she spoke about her trip with Uttara ,by the time her bade maa came down , Swara realized something was wrong.

" Ragini is sick ,the poor girl had been throwing up and yet no one cared to notice,  " her bade maa accusation made her flinch as she if it had been her fault when she had checked on her cousin just few minutes ago .

Yes ,she knew Ragini was sick not that kind that was alarming but rather good news and so was surprised by her bade maa lack of happiness , her cousin had only confided in her sister last night and hadn't gotten a chance to tell her yet because last night they hadn't a moment of privacy.

And today Swara slept for so long, her sister told Swara that Ragini is yet to share the news with Laksh ,as she was worried if he would find the news alarming as they had planned to wait for few years .

That she had been hoping to get to talk to Sanskar about it when he returns and so was surprised when Ragini decided to not share the news with her mother ,because Swara knew her mother can be intrusive with her questions and Ragini can't keep a secret from her .

" Poor girl ,it was the travel that got her sick.  I will go and check on her , " Sanskar's aunt answered back as she marched to Ragini's room  while her sister went to the guest room once her son's cries reached her ,as he woke up leaving Swara alone with her mother and her aunt. 

" I had hoped it was a pleasant news ,but the girl insists that not the case . You know how hard it had been for me to get pregnant and I want to ask her to get herself checked up first but she refuses to do so without talking with her husband,  " her bade maa spoke up, and Swara understood she must have been waiting for the news of her grandchild already. 

" It will happen in time bhabhi ,dont worry, " her mother was quick to reassure her sister in law .

And Swara was stuck in between their conversation as they ranged from everything about Ragini lack of good news to her uncle working longer hours in office.

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