Chapter 7 :" Fated to Marry Him "

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Ragini Maheshwari felt disappointed after her mother's call , she always strived for her approval and every time she was found lacking after being compared with her cousin . I'm hindsight she shouldn't have told her mom about the kheer issue but she didn't think her mom would make it big deal ,granted laksh praised Swara dish more then hers but she was used to her cousin outshining her.

To her mom , Ragini need to always stay competitive with her cousins and every time she fails her mom would make sure she understand how disappointed she had been with her. She felt suffocated by her mom expectations and hoped she could finally get her taste of freedom after marriage only to realize it was a dream .

A knock sounded on her door and she opened it to reveal Laksh mom who asked Ragini to wake Swara up for lunch , after breakfast Laksh mom insisted that Swara should sleep for awhile and sent Ragini to rest up in her room as well. And when she volunteered to help with cooking again ,his mom asked her to relax and not worry about it.

Ragini wondered if her cousin would be alone or if Sanskar would be inside his room as well. She gently knocked at the door and when there had been no response she knocked a bit louder until Swara opened the door as if she was just woken up .

Ragini felt guilty at the sight of her cousin ,she knew that Swara wasn't like her hoping to marry soon and yet because ragini couldn't imagine a life without Laksh ,she yet again bowed down to her mother decision and begged Swara to sacrifice her happiness .

" Mom wants you to come down for lunch " She spoke up quietly and Swara only nodded her head in answer, and walked inside the bathroom to freshen up . Ragini waited inside her room ,thinking they can go down together that she hadn't been prepared for yet another knock on her door which turned about to be Sanskar.

Ragini felt out of place as Sanskar walked inside his room to take his phone , he didn't ask what she was doing in his room because she had blurted out she came to see Swara as soon as she saw him and because she didn't know what else to say and it felt awkward she rushed out of the room only to collide with her husband .

" Hello my beautiful wife " Laksh greeting usually would have made her smile but today she only glared at him as she walked away from his embrace. Last night they had their first fight ,she didn't want to lose him but she also couldn't forget the fact he had refused to marry her ,he tried to calm her down only to be kicked to the couch because she couldn't forgive her part in Swara marriage .

" You are still angry ,even Swara bhabhi forgave me and yet you are holding on to your anger " Laksh teased her and she turned to look at him in surprise ,she didn't know that he had apologized to Swara for his behavior and at her surprise he confessed he had to apologize because Sanskar demanded it from him .

" I am not angry Laksh ,just upset . Give me some time " She answered back as she walked away from the man who waltzed into her life and stole her heart .


Swara couldn't believe she slept till now ,when Laksh mom suggested that she take a nap she thought sleep would elude her but she slept for hours without waking up ,if not for Ragini arrival she probably would have slept the whole day ,though the marriage had come as a shock she didn't want to come across as lazy to her new family .

 New family the word itself made her worried , Swara trusted in the concept of marriage but she never wanted to marry and yet here she is married to a complete stranger . She opened the door and walked outside waiting to see her cousin instead found herself facing the said stranger . 

 " Sorry ,your cousin let me inside . I came to take my phone " he answered back at her surprised look that she could only nod her head in answer and waited for him to leave ,would it have been this awkward if she married a guy she loved she didn't know but at this moment she felt lost . 

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