Chapter 11 : "Swara's bachelorette Party"

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Wishing everyone a Happy New Year , May this year be filled with happiness and Peace to you and your loved ones :) .

Swara woke up the next day to an unfamiliar surrounding, then she remembered it was her new home and her eyes drifted towards the couch in search of her husband ,after their talk they argued about the sleeping arrangement . Sanskar insisted on sleeping in the couch and she wanted a compromise and he finally relented to let her sleep in the couch for three days in a week .

Sanskar was missing from the couch and a small note had been tucked in the TV screen ,it was the first thing she noticed after finding him gone ,he had written he went to the guest room to get ready and will not enter the room again till the breakfast . It was a thoughtful note which promised her privacy and she appreciated his gesture .

She was almost ready when a brief knock to the door disturbed her ,since he promised not to return she wondered if he left anything behind only to find her cousin waiting for her instead .

"Maa asked for you Swara " her cousin spoke up ,which prompted Swara to get ready in an hurry and thus had to be reminded by her cousin that she forgot to wear her Mangalsutra , Swara had always compiled with Annapurna aunty rules whenever she visited her house .

Even the ones that made her wanted to revel ,her curfew where always strict that she only allotted them the driving time from college to their home or school to their home any delay had to have valid reasons . Then dress code was a trial as Swara and her sister had the independence to wear their choice of clothes at home and most of them never met with her aunt approval ,so finding one she would approve would take lot of time .

But Swara respected their rules even if it made her life harder and yet she didn't want to follow her aunt rules in her new house , ragini chastised her gently for forgetting but her words were like a remainder of her aunt who always disapproved of everything .

" I haven't had time to accustom to being married Ragini ,unlike you I hardly had an day to get used to the idea " Swara answered back then regretted when her cousin face fell at her harsh words ,she didn't want to remind her why the marriage happened but she didn't like to be made feel worse as well .

Swara knew she should apologize for her out burst later as her cousin rushed out of their room without giving her time to apologize . Her thoughts came to a halt when she walked to the dinning room and found everyone else already gathered at the table .

Swara eyes searched after Sanskar first and she smiled at him before taking the seat beside him , over the course of the meal she relaxed as Laksh mom kept the conversation light , they talked about Laksh love for puppies and how he used to bring every stray back home when he was a kid ,they talked about Uttara love for Movies and how she would drag her brother for the first show every single time if the movie appealed to her .

They talked about Sanskar and his ability to disappear whenever they had visitors , laksh explained further that Sanskar doesn't like to mingle with stranger and preferred to be alone most of the time . By the time the breakfast was over ,Swara felt like she knew about everyone a little bit more than before and she was content to spend the next few hours with laksh mom who had loved to share more about Sanskar and his parents .

And Swara particularly liked it when she showed them around the house in detail , and also talked about how awestruck she had been when she got married . " My Husband that is Laksh dad never told me ,he lived in a house that was as big as a palace and I was forever getting lost after our marriage " She spoke up wistfully as she told Swara and Ragini about her husband .

Ragini had to leave when her parents called her and laksh over for lunch ,which left Swara alone with Sanskar and laksh mom . Since Sanskar was in his office room and laksh mom went to take a nap after lunch ,she finally had time alone that she called her sister first who had been anxious about her then tried to call her mother but hesitated after their quarrel but she wanted to know if she would pack her clothes and send them .

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