Chapter Four

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Edited 1/7/15

You walked out of the office, tears treating to fall, this day was the worst so far, and you hated that. You paid no attention to the voice that was screaming your name for you to wait up. He called you name over and over again, but you chose to ignore it, walking off towards your car.


You glanced over you shoulder to see Levi, panting and looking for you as he scanned the parking lot. His eyes fell on your frame, and immediately he started in your direction, picking up his pace to catch up with you. You bit your lip and continued on your way as you tried your best to block out his yelling.

You didn't turn around, walking to your car in a speed walking fashion. Your body ached to stop and to turn around, but you couldn't face the music, it would be too much for you to handle. Your heart pounded faster as you heard his foot steps come closer, catching up to your pace.


You felt him grab your shoulder from behind, your heart lurched as you felt his touch once again. You pushed his hand off and didn't turn around, tingles fluttered your skin from where his hand had laid. You continued on your way, trying to get away from him.

Tears started running down your face as you marched to your car. You regretted parking so far away from the entrance.

"Damn it, look at me."He growled out, grabbing your shoulders roughly and turned you around to face him.

His eyes were staring you down with a hard glare, but softened when he had seen the tears roll down your cheeks as you began to sob.

"(F/n)...”He wiped a tear off of your cheek, but you jerked away when he started to clasp you cheek.

"Get away from me!"You yelled at him as you struggled to get out of his grasp.

He just stood there, watching you sob while standing in the parking lot.

"How could you do this to me?"You screamed at him, making him flinch at your harsh tone.

He didn't say anything back. It looked like he was in shock from him yelling at you.

"What, you have nothing to say huh?!"You growled at him, looking him right in his eyes.

The hurt and pain was shown through your eyes and Levi could see that. He didn't mean it to go this far, but it happened.

Shit happens.

"Why do I deserve this, I didn't do anything wrong. I wasn't the one that cheated and yet everything seems to be fine with you!" You let out a frustrated cry as you screamed at him.

A pitiful look appeared on his face as he watched you rant about the cheating and the divorce.

You glared at him and wiped the remaining tears off of your face then wiping them on your dress.

You both stood in silence as you stated each other down.

After a couple of seconds, you turned around and walked away from him, not letting him say anything else to you.

He didn't chase after you like you thought he did, he just watched you walk away from him.

You unlocked the car door and opened it and got in. Slamming the door behind you, you looked in the rear view mirror to see that Levi was heading to his car.

You sighed out loud and ran your hand through your hair. This was too much to process right now for you, too much.

You started the car and began to back out of the parking space. You drove past Levi's car as you began to leave the parking lot.

You looked in the rear view mirror to see Levi's head in his hands inside the car, his body was shaking like he was crying.

You frowned deeply as you watched the sight unfold right in front of your eyes.

He wasn't made of stone and he did care about this divorce.

You stepped on the gas and swerved out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

'This is it.' You said to yourself.

'This is where I start my new life.'

365 days ~ Levi X Reader fanfic [ Heavy editing]Where stories live. Discover now