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[Warning-violence] Also, my dog attacked attacked by a dog in my neighborhood and I'm pissed. And this is my second update in a day.

"Hello bitch."

I stare up at the devil himself, glaring. "Let the fuck go of me."

David chuckles creepily. "No, I don't think I will."

I struggle against his hands. "Seriously, let me go."

A bit of fear is beginning to build in my chest and I can feel my stomach tightening.

David shakes his head. "I'm not going to let you go. So shut the fuck up!"

I try to shrink back, but his hold doesn't allow me to. "David, what do you want? I am not in the mood."

"I want to fucking make you hurt!" He growls. "I want to make you pay, you fucking dumbass!"

My eyes widen and I begin to struggle more. "Why?"

His eyes widen, going crazy. "Why?"

I nod, shrinking more under is smoldering gaze.

"Fucking why?!" He screeches. "Because you ruined my fucking life!"

I begin to open my mouth, but he cuts me off. "We could have been happy! We could have been married and had a good life! But nooo, you just had to find you fucking soulmates! I tried to show you I cared, but you didn't listen! You never fucking listen!"

"All you've done is scare and hurt me!" I scream, shocking myself and David by my outburst. "I am not interested in being in an abusive relationship."

"Maybe you deserve it then," he hums, sounding more annoyed than angry now. "I mean, I did it because you needed to be put in your place. Which, you still don't seem to be in."

I freeze as he moves closer to my face. His eyes take in my shivering form, slowly taking up and down my body, causing me to shrink in on myself again.

"Aren't you gorgeous?" He hums, demeaningly. "Really, it's a shame you don't know your place."

"David," I groan. "Just let me go."

He tuts. "Nope, you need to be taught a lesson."

My eyes widen as a weight is placed on my lips. David shoves his lips on mine forcefully, kissing me roughly. I try to pull away, but he brings the hand that aren't holding mine up and grabs the back of my neck, holding me in place. The kiss gets more rough, him trying to invade my mouth by bringing his tongue out and licking my bottom lip, but I don't allow it. He growls and pulls away.

"How did that feel?" He growls under his breath.

I don't respond, instead turning my face away. However, I sting burns my cheek as he backhands me.

"I asked you a question!" He screams in my face.

I whimper, tears beginning to build in my eyes.

He eyes suddenly turn mocking. "Aw, are you gonna cry now? Go ahead you fucking baby, cry!"

I bite my lip, trying to hold in my tears. I don't want to give him the satisfaction. His hand comes down again, hitting my cheek and causing a harsh pain.

"You know," he hums devilishly. "I could break every single bone in your body right now if I wanted to. It's not like you could stop me."

I whimper as a knee is brought to my stomach, slamming hard into it and knocking the wind from me. He lets go of my hands and I crumble to the floor.

"See this," he gestured to my now curled up form. "Is why nobody gives a damn about you. You're weak. And your so called soulmates know that too."

He tears back and brings his foot towards me, the heel of his foot slamming into my nose. I hear a sickening crack once the contact is made, and my eyes water even more, tears finally falling from my face. He brings his foot down again, this time hitting my chest hard. My face slams against the asphalt as another kick comes in and I can feel my face splitting open in a few places.

"Why couldn't you have just made it easier for both of us and accepted me?!" David screeches as he brings another kick down.

I can hear another deafening crack, this time coming from my rib cage. "S-stop."

"Oh no," he shakes his head rapidly. "It's too fucking late for that!"

He picks me up and slams me back down on the concert, my skin ripping against the asphalt and my clothing tearing. The jacket my soulmates gave me now gaining holes. My head smashed against the ground, and my vision becomes blurry as the deadly pain takes over.

"God you are so utterly disgusting!" David yells as he brings his fist down against my face.

I can barely move, unable to bring my hands up to defend myself. Instead, I let the blows continue. Suddenly, David brings his foot down on my knee, causing me to cry out in blinding pain. I hear a laugh, and he brings his foot down on my other knee. Agony shoots up from every part of my body, and I lets sobs fall from my mouth.

His fist curls up again, and dives down, landing square on my neck. I cough violently, my body beginning to shake harshly. His hand moves around my neck, pressing firmly around my neck, cutting of my airflow. I raise my hands to his wrist, weakly trying to pull his hand away, any attempt being unsuccessful. Black dots begin to dance around my vision, and the light headedness takes over my brain. My body goes limp, and I can barely see anymore.

David grabs my face in his hand, yanking it to look at him, and dropping my neck. "Such a pretty face all tattered up. How sad."

With that, he slams my face down onto the asphalt and I can't bring it back up. My body lays there, unable to move as I slowly start to lose consciousness.

Suddenly, I hear a voice yelling in the distance and David stands up quickly, giving my body one last kick to the ribs, he runs off. I try to take a deep breath, but it feels like trying to breath through sand.

I can hear people coming by me, but my eyes begin to close. Murmured words muddle together in my brain, but I am unable to make them out. Slowly, the black dots take over my vision completely and I am lost.

I am numb. And there is nothing but dark.

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