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{I'm sorry in advance for this and the like rest of the book. Which is only like maybe six to ten more chapters}

It's been about a month since Stray Kids had to go back to South Korea, but I'm starting to get used to long distance. We talk to each other at least once every day, which is good.

The one really bad thing about this is the sleep deprivation. Soulmates that are separated experience a load of symptoms, but not being able to sleep until your body can't physically hold itself up is terrible. I'm running on caffeine energy and sleepless energy, which is not a good combo. I feel weak and like I want to pass out all the time, but I hide it. Whenever the boys call, none of them look as bad as me because they are all together, so I hide how bad I really feel so they aren't worried.

I woke up this morning, feeling like complete and utter shit. I got a solid hour and a half of sleep last night and am just waiting for my body to give out. Sluggishly, I pull myself out of bed and stumble over to my closet. I pull on a soft pink oversized sweatshirt and black ripped jeans, putting on my white Converse to go with it. I grab my Stray Kids jacket and my bag, then head to my kitchen.

Making myself coffee, I quickly start to drink it and take a seat at my bar area. I sit there, staring aimlessly and chugging my coffee until it's gone. Once I'm done, I get up and head out the door and to my car, hastily beginning my drive to uni.

When I reach uni, I immediately head to the coffee cafe there. I order a large drink and head to meet my friends.

"Y/N!" Matt exclaims as I walk over to them.

I wince at the loud noise. "Yeah hi."

"Have you gotten any sleep recently?" Sam asks, worriedly.

I open my mouth to answer, but they cuts me off. "Any sleep longer than four hours I mean?"

I slowly close my mouth, looking down and shaking my head.

"You really need sleep," Jade comments. "Have you tried sleeping tablets?"

"Yeah," I nod tiredly. "But they didn't do anything. I still couldn't sleep at all."

"I'm so sorry," Jace speaks softly. "I really wish we could do something."

I give them all a small smile. "Don't be sorry. It's totally fine. I can still talk to them pretty much every day."

"That's good I guess," Matt hums. "How are they doing with the whole distance thing?"

"A little better than me," I admit. "Because they are all together."

"Good for them," Jade nods her head. "Bad for you."

"Yeah I guess," I sigh, shrugging. "We need to get to class now."

My friends and I get up and head for our class, preparing ourselves for the most boring hours of our day.

*Third Person POV*

"Channie!" Jeongin whines. "I'm tired."

"Sorry fox," Chan hums with an apologetic face. "But how about we take a break?"

Jeongin nods and heads to get a water bottle while Chan sits down, the rest of the boys following suit.

"Do you think Y/N is out of class yet?" Felix asks once he sits down.

"I don't think so," Changbin shakes his head. "They are a few ours behind, remember?"

"Like fours hours behind, right?" Minho asks.

Chan nods his head. "Yeah, that's right."

"Can we call him/her/them later though?" Hyunjin questions quietly.

"Definitely," Changbin hums. "We all really need to see him/her/them."

Jisung perks up. "Isn't Y/N's break coming up soon?"

"In a month I think," Seungmin responds, trying to remember the time Y/N said a while ago. "Why?"

"What if we flew him/her/them down to South Korea for break?" Jisung suggests, a squirrel like smile on his face.

"That's a really good idea Sungie," Chan praises, ruffling Jisung's hair.

Jisung smiles wider and leans into Chan's touch.

"We can ask him/her/them tonight about it," Chan hums.

"Of topic a bit," Hyunjin interrupts. "Do you think Y/N is doing okay?"

"Y/N says he/she/they is/are," Changbin answers. "Why?"

"Y/N just doesn't seem right," Hyunjin mumbles.

Felix speaks up. "I agree. Y/N really doesn't look good when we FaceTime."

"Yeah," Jeongin chimes in. "Y/N looks really thin and pale."

"Plus the bags under his/her/their eyes," Minho finishes.

Chan nods, understanding. "It's probably from lack of sleep. I can only imagine how hard of a time Y/N must have trying to get to sleep."

"Fair," Seungmin hums.

Minho stands up slowly. "Alright let's get back to work."

*Y/N's POV*

My first class, as per usual, went by at the pace of a turtle. It's not horrible because my group of friends are in the class, but it's still not a fun class to sit through. However, once the class was over, i followed my friends in racing out of the classroom and to the cafe once again.

"Is it just me," Sam begins. "Or does our professor seem to age the longer he talks?"

"I thought I was the only one seeing that," I gasp, joking with them.

Our table cracks up, laughter filling the air around us. I roll my eyes lightly once I'm done laughing and lean back against my seat, sighing.

"I'm pretty sure I fell asleep during that class," Jace jokes, a smile on his lips.

"I thought I heard snoring," Matt teases, nudging Jace with his arm.

Jace rolls his eyes. "Screw off."

I laugh at their antics and slowly go to stand up, wobbling a bit before getting my balance. I got and throw my cup away then head back tot he table to grab my stuff.

"Unfortunately I must leave you now," I say, picking up my stuff and heading to the cafe door. "I'll see you at lunch!"

I head off to my next class and sit down, ready to get it over with. David walks in a little bit after me and heads to his desk, I try not to pay much attention to him. However, during the middle of the class, I can feel a deadly gaze on my back. I turn in my chair, seeing David staring at me with a demonic smirk on his face. I furrow my eyes in confusion and slight fear, then turn back around and begin to take notes again. Once class was over, I rush out the door and to the dining area as fast as I can.

"Yo!" I shout as I sit down beside my friends, completely out of breath from running.

"You good?" Jade asks jokingly as she slides me my food.

"Never better," I respond with a fake light tone.

I quickly dig into my food, the others doing the same. Light conversation follows, along with Matt somehow getting pushed out of his chair and onto the cold floor. Don't ask me how it happened, it just did. Anyways, we ended lunch about an hour after and I get up to head home.

"Good night you guys!"

I head out of the dining room and begin to make my way towards my car. Once I reach, I begin to pull my keys out of my bag to unlock it, when my hands are suddenly grabbed and I am slammed against my car.

"Hello bitch."

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