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When I woke up the next morning, I got up fast and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. I turned it on to see eight text messages, one from each of the boys.

Bang Chan: Good morning love.

Lee Minho: Morning love, have fun at uni!

Seo Changbin: Hi sweetheart, good morning

Hwang Hyunjin: Morning baby.

Han Jisung: Hi hi, love.

Lee Felix: Good morning sweet baby.

Kim Seungmin: Morning prince/princess.

Yang Jeongin: Good morning honey

My face started to heat up at all of the pet names given to me. I decided to answer back after I got ready for classes. I got up out of bed slowly, dragging my hand across the bed as I forced myself to get out. I dragged myself to my closet and puled out my outfit for the day. (a/n:you can imagine it however you want)

Quickly, I moved to my kitchen and got my breakfast. Although it is boring, I just got some toast with vegemite and butter. I also grabbed and apple and put it in my bag before heading back to my room. I washed my face and finished my morning routine. I put my necklace that I always have on; it was a golden rose pendant.

Picking up my bag, I headed out to my car and began my drive to campus. My phone was plugged in and I had my playlist on, which started off on Pirate King by Ateez. I mean, this is a good song to pump me up and wake me up. I reach my campus quickly and rush to the coffee shop there, in order to soothe my coffee addiction. I got my coffee and began to walk to my class before getting stopped by my friends.

"Yo, Y/N!" my friend Jade called. She was standing with my other friends Jace, Sam, and Matt.

I waved and walked over to them. "Hey guys, why aren't you guys in class yet? It's about to start."

Matt answered, "We were waiting for you. You were supposed to help us start a project and then never came."

I cursed to myself. "Oh god I'm so sorry, I totally forgot." I pointed at my neck, specifically at the tattoo. "I got a bit distracted yesterday."

"Oh SHIT," they all gasped in unison.

That was creepy...

I nod slowly and move back a few steps. "Yeah, that's what I said."

Sam gasps again. "Do we know them? Are they cool? Are they handsome? Details, person, DETAILS!"

"Dude chill. They are cool and they are very handsome." I answer reluctantly.

The bell rang for class, so I started to head into the class.

"Hold up," Jace stopped me. "You didn't answer us on whether we know them or not."

I already sat down at my desk. "uhm, our professor is about to start, y'all should sit down."

My friends surrounded my desk. "Oh no," Jade answered. "You are not going to change the subject."

As I opened my mouth to answer, the professor walked in, effectively saving my ass. My friends slowly moved to their set in disappointment, but they gave me side eye as they took their seats. The class continued with at least one of my friends bugging me every five minutes on whether they knew my soulmates. Eventually, class ended and we headed tot he next one with the exact thing happening until we reached lunch.

"Okay, come on. Just tell us whether we know them. Give us a hint at least." Sam practically begged me.

I sighed as I took a bite of my lunch. "Fine. I will give you two hints."

"YAS!" My friends screamed. I few heads turned to look at the commotion.

I quickly waved my hands to get them to shut up. "People are looking! Shut up."

They nodded and sat back in their chairs, so I took a deep breath and gave them the clues.

"They don't go to the university. And you most definitely know them."

"Wait, what," Jace whined in confusion. "If they don't go to this university, then how do we know them."

I smirked. "Well, that is for you to figure out. But I do have to get to work so, bye bye."

I quickly got up from the table, threw my stuff away, and headed to my car. I started to drive to the bakery.

Sweets and Soulmates (Stray Kids x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now