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--I'm out of school till April 3rd, which means I have a lot of time for updates!!!---

The morning of my date with Chan started off pretty okay. I woke up when I planned, which is a good thing, and hopped out of bed quickly. Once again, I have to ask what I am supposed to wear.

Y/N: Chan, what do I need to wear today?

Chan: Something really comfy and probably cool, we will be outside today.

I stared at the message, trying to figure out where we will be. Eventually, I just gave up and headed for the kitchen. I got my coffee and decided to grab breakfast. I made a peanut butter and honey sandwich (you don't have to eat it, just imagine something else) and sat down at the bar to eat. I scrolled through my phone for a while until I finished my sandwich.

Hurriedly, I went back to my room and headed for my closet. I grabbed a pair of black jean shorts, a black and white stripped shirt, and my Stray Kids varsity jacket. I slipped on my black combat boots to finish the outfit. 

I head back to my kitchen and then enter my living room. I have a few extra minutes so I decide to turn the tv on. After deciding on Buzzfeed Unsolved: True Crime, I relax back on my couch and watch. Soon enough, it reaches 12:00 and a knock rings out from my front door. I turn off the tv and grab everything I need, heading to the door and opening it to be greeted with the dimpled smile of Chan. I close the door and lock it, then turn around to face him. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the car, not even saying hello.

"Okay then, hello to you too," I laugh sarcastically.

"Hello babygirl/babyboy," Chan hums, in English.

We are seated in the car, so I turn to face him. "What's with the English?"

"I just felt like it," Chan shrugs. "Plus you get to hear my accent."

(And I as the author did not feel like italicizing their convo)

"Okay then," I nod.

Chan starts the car and begins our journey to the destination. Once we reach it, I notice that it is the park.

"Are you ready to know the date?" Chan inquires.

I nod my head rapidly.

Chan pulls out a picnic basket from the back. "Picnic time!"

I let a smile take over my face. "Ooh yay!"

Chan smiles and gets out of the car, me following suit. He grabs a blanket from the back and begins to walk in the direction of the entrance of the park and I have to jog to catch up with him.

"Come on slow poke!" Chan called, laughing loudly.

I huffed once I reached his side. "Buddy, I do not religiously work out like you. Leave me alone."

Chan smirked. "Aw, I'm sorry baby."

"Yeah yeah," I muttered, waving him off.

Chan dragged me over to a stop around the pond and set the blanket and the basket down. I stretched out the blanket and sat down on one side of it. Chan sat down beside me and put the picnic basket in front of us.

"Okay," I begin. "Why a picnic? I'm not mad, I just want to know."

Chan shrugs. "I thought you would like being outside."

I nod. "I really do like being outside."

Chan grins, then pulls open the picnic basket. "Are you ready for awesome food?"

Without letting me answer, Chan begins to bring out the food from inside the basket. Among a lot of food selections, I see y/f/f.

"You brought y/f/f?" I inquire dumbfounded.

Chan nods ecstatic. "You said you liked it a while ago, so I thought I would bring it."

I quickly wrap my arms around his neck in a hug, pulling back just as fast. "Thank you!"

"No problem," Chan giggles. "Now, lets eat!"

With that, Chan and I both dig in to what he brought. I happily munched on y/f/f and kept up small talk with Chan.

"Okay so like, how do you deal with seven kids?" I ask jokingly.

"Oh," Chan hums. "I think I threw a laptop at them once to show dominance. Everything is a bit hazy though."

"Shit!" I exclaim, laughing my ass off. "Please tell me you didn't!"

"Like I said," Chan shrugs. "Everything is still hazy. The laptop was fine though."

"Oh god, those poor poor babies," I sigh, my laughing fit calming down some.

I look up to see the sun starting to set. "We have been out here a while!"

"Wow, we really have," Chan agrees. "But our date isn't over yet."

Chan lays down, pulling me down with him. I end up curled against his side with my head on his chest, while he wraps his arms around my waist.

"So, what are we doing now?" I question, curious.

"We are going to star gaze for a while," Chan answers.

I let a smile form on my face. "I love to star gaze. It's so calming."

I can feel Chan nod. "Yeah it really is."

I cuddle closer to Chan. "Can you see the stars in Seoul?"

Chan shakes his head. "Unfortunately, not a lot. The sky isn't normally clear enough to have a good view. Which is partially why I wanted to star gaze tonight. This little park makes it really easy to see the stars since it is on the outskirts of the city."

"Yeah, I used to go here a lot to get away from my aunt and uncle," I respond. "I used to fall asleep here. Not the safest thing, but it happened."

Chan chuckles. "Yeah, not the safest thing."

We lay there for a while, keeping up soft conversation and randomly pointing out stars. After a while, Chan's hand makes its way into my hair, carding through it softly. My eyes begin to flutter as his hand continues to play with my hair.

"If you keep doing that, I'm going to fall asleep," I playfully warn, sighing in content.

"You don't seem too mad about it," Chan acknowledges.

"It's hard to be mad when someone is playing with my hair," I muttered, cuddling even closer to Chan.

Chan makes a bit to look down at me. "So, playing with your hair is one of your weaknesses?"

I shrug. "I guess. I just really like it."

After a little longer, Chan lets out a sigh. "I should probably get you home. You do have a date with Minho tomorrow after all."

I nod and push myself up into a sitting position. Chan and I pack everything up and stand, heading towards the car. We get in and drive to my apartment. Chan gets out and escorts me to my door.

"Goodnight Channie," I hum, about to head inside when Chan stops me.

"Do I not get a goodnight kiss?"

My face blushed bright red, extremely flustered. Despite this, I huff and lean forward, capturing Chan's lips in a soft kiss. I swiftly pull away, only to see a wide and spacey smile on Chan's lips. I blush even more and turn and run into my apartment, shouting a goodnight over my shoulder then slamming the door shut. I hear a chuckle come from outside the door and a car starting and leaving.

How eventful.

---guess who has a hopeless crush on someone at my school right now? I do!!!---

*edit: I got over it lol. little 13 year old me was a wreck

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