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"You heard him/her/them, get off of our soulmate."

I turned my head to see eight boys standing behind us. Despite them wearing masks, I could easily tell that it was my soulmates. Their usual happy demeanors they have around me have disappeared, however.

David stands up and laughs. "Your soulmate? I don't think so."

Almost in unison , which was a bit creepy, the boys showed the tattoos on their necks to David. I smiled as they did so, because I felt a little bit protected. I like having them around me.

I pushed past David and walked over to my boys. "Why are you guys here?"

"We said we would see you at lunch, right?" Changbin asked.

I nodded my head.

"Well, we decided to take you out for a lunch date." Chan finished Changbin's thought.

I smiled a little bigger. "Wait really?"

Jeongin smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah, do you like the idea?"

I quickly nodded my head yes rapidly, making the boys giggle at my childish answer. I turned to grab my stuff, but David blocked me from getting it. I glared at him, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Dude move," I commanded.

He shook his head. "No way, because you are going to eat with me today."

I heard a laugh from behind me, so I faced the boys again. So did David. "I don't think he/she/they are, sorry buddy."

Felix had stepped forward. "In fact, we will take him/her/them and be on our way, so move."

David doesn't move, so the rest of the boys move forward to stand by Felix. Seungmin then speaks up. "We said move, so move."

David gulps and moves out of my way. I quickly grab my stuff and move back over to the boys. Hyunjin wraps his arm around my shoulders and moves me towards him some. I snuggle a bit closer to him and the boys surround us a bit.

I see Chan lean towards David a bit. "Don't every come near Y/N again, got it?"

David nods, looking paralyzed. 

Fucking good.

Chan nods in satisfaction, so Minho grabs my hand and pulls me away from Hyunjin, heading towards the doors of the cafeteria. The other boys follow, all showing some kind of physical connection with the one they were near. When we start to head towards wherever they are taking me, I notice that Minho is still holding my hand. I go to softly pull away, but he just grips tighter and smiled at me softly. I decided to let it go.

I turn to look at the boys behind Minho and I. "So, do I get to know where we are going to eat?"

Jisung and Felix laugh at my question. I pouted towards them and then turned to look at Minho. "Please?"

"Oh no, puppy dog eyes don't work on me, love," Minho states, smiling at me with fake sympathy.

"Damn it," I whined. Chan gave me a look at my language, but I quickly raced over to Jeongin and Seungmin who were walking together with their hands swaying.

"Boys, will you please tell me where we are eating?"

They looked at each other than laughed. I sighed in disappointment, then wandered over to Chan.

"I wont ask, but like why is it so secretive?"

He shrugs. "We just want to give you a cute surprise is all. And if you really wanted someone to break and tell you, you should have shot for Sungie or Jinnie."

I move to pull away from Chan to go to the two he mentioned, but Chan wraps an arm around my shoulders to keep me in place. I rolled my eyes, but didn't attempt to pull away, walking beside him. Changbin walked over to us and stayed by my side, grabbing my hand softly in his. I gave him a small smile, him doing the same, then directed my attention back to in front of me.

We stopped in front of a cute café. I smiled wider because I had been wanting to go to this place for a while. It was close to my apartment, but I never had time to come. 

We walked in and took a seat, Chan and Hyunjin sat down on either side of me. I picked up the menu, taking a peak at it. The boys engaged in conversation, but I zoned out for a bit. When the waiter came, we all ordered and I finally decided to zone back in on the conversation.

"I'm sorry Hyunjin, but you just aren't an Aussie like Chan and Felix. You just can't make it work," Jeongin told Hyunjin, laughing hard.

I snorted, then shot my hand over my mouth.

Hyunjin turned to me with a confused face. "Was that you?"

I nodded, sinking lower into my seat. My face began to blush like crazy.

"That was adorable," Jisung complimented, laughing. All the other boys nodded, but I shook my head.

"Aw come on, it was adorable." Seungmin giggled.

"Nope, nope, nope."

Before the other boys could say something, food arrived. I quickly started eating, trying to avoid anymore conversation directed towards me. The others smiled, then also dug into their food. Conversation slowed as we all ate. My gaze moved up to the clock, seeing that it was 1:07.

"Shit," I exclaimed. The boys looked up at me in worry.

"Sorry, but I need to head home and get ready for work."

"Oh, sorry yeah. We can walk you home if you want." Seungmin offered.

I shook my head. "You really don't need to."

"But we want to." Minho insisted.

"If you guys really want to, then okay," I agreed.

The maknaes shot up happily, and the hyungs just looked at them laughing. We paid then headed out the door. The place was close, so we reached my apartment in about ten minutes. I turned to them and smiled.

"Okay, well this is my apartment. I guess I will see you guys later."

"Okay darling, have fun at work." Changbin smiled.

I smiled and was about to turn around to go inside, but Jeongin moved forward and kissed my cheek swiftly. Soon enough, all the boys gave me a kiss on the cheek then turned and left. I turned and went into my apartment, quickly getting ready for work, then rushing to my car and driving to work.

A/N: I officially have my first few Chapters of my Ateez story done. Would you guys like me to release it?

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