Chapter 1: Date with Namjoon

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Y/N: "Here goes nothing." 

I take a deep breath and walk into PJ's Cafe and look around.

Y/N: "Hi Jimin." I wave at Jimin, my dearest friend. The cafe is slammed, and I know he is working hard because he didn't speak back. I don't think he saw me because he didn't even turn around. I sigh, my lips turn down on one side... frowning. 

I look around some more and... ah, there is my date... I think? And.... YES! He is F.I.N.E from behind! A wide smile appears on my face! 


*Age: 33
*Height: 6'1'
*Build: Slim
*Complexion: Golden Bronze
*Eyes: Black
*Hair: Honey Blonde
*Business Owner
*No children

Anyway, my date is sitting down at a table for two with his back to me. With a tight grip on my handbag with both hands in front of me; I walk over to the table with all of my teeth showing.
I stand in front of the chair facing him.

Wow he is gorgeous! FINE from the back... More FINE from the front. I smirk. Woo! He is fire! I must thank my dad later for setting me up with him.

My dad is CONSTANTLY trying to set me up with blind dates because he wants to marry me off before I turn 30.

Y/N: "Hello, are you Namjoon?" I ask timidly.

Namjoon: "Yes, can I help you with something?" He asks blankly. I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion due to his odd response.

Y/N: "Hi, I am Y/N." I grin. He looked me up and down, then his eyes grew bigger as if he was extremely shocked.

I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing.

Namjoon: "Oh, uh... yes. Hello Y/N." We shake hands and I sit down.

Namjoon: "Well, uhm... It is nice to meet you," he said. Then displayed an insincere closed mouth half-smile.

Y/N: "You too." I said cheesing. 

Namjoon: "Ahem... Uh... I took the liberty of ordering you a cafe latte before you got here." He cleared his throat as he took a sip of his Americano.

Y/N: "Thank you. I appreciate that." What a thoughtful man. Ohhhh yeah, I like this. I think to myself.

Just then, Jimin comes over and puts my drink on our table. He also gave us a plate of cookies.

Jimin: "The cookies are on the house." He places them on the table then turned toward me and gave me a grin and a quick wink. 

As he walked away, Jimin turned around and gave me two thumbs up. Namjoon couldn't see because he was facing the opposite direction. Jimin is such a supportive friend. I think to myself and smile thinking of Jimin..

Namjoon and I sat for a minute in an awkward silence, looking in every direction instead of each other... until I broke the ice.

Y/N: "So, Namjoon, I know that you are a business owner. What kind of business is it?" I ask before taking a bite out of the cookie mindlessly due to my bit of nervousness.

He looked at me with a blank face.

Namjoon: "Music." He turned to look out the window. 

I turned to see what he was looking at. There was nothing to see but cars driving by. Go figure???

Y/N: "Well... That sounds exciting. I play guitar and write songs. It seems that we have something in common," I express between sips of my drink.

Namjoon: "I suppose we do," he mumbles as he looks at his drink then back out the window. Another awkward silence took over.

Again, I break it.

Y/N: "So, where did you grow up?" I inquire.

Namjoon: "Ilsan-gu," he says with an annoyed look on his face. He then turns around in his seat to wave Jimin down. I thought that maybe he wanted to change to a different drink. He really wasn't drinking it. Jimin walks over to find out what Namjoon needs.

Namjoon: "Sir, would you please get me the check? I am ready to pay," he says coldly. Jimin and I both look at each other confused as heck.

Jimin: "Yes sir, I will be right back." He runs off to get the check. Namjoon thanks him. As he turns around back to face me, he accidentally knocks his drink over with his arm.... Where did it roll? right onto my lap. 

Y/N: "Oh no! Ouch... sooo hot!" Oh My God, so hot that I jump out of my chair.

Namjoon: "Oh my goodness. I am so sorry," He apologizes; then attempts to wipe it off using some napkins. 

Y/N: "Thank you, but I got it." I stop him as his hands are way too close to 'the old girl.'

Namjoon: "OK, here is your drink and more napkins." Not watching what he was doing, he accidentally spilled MY drink on my white blouse. Now you can see right through to my bra. How embarrassing!

Jimin returns with the check. Immediately, Namjoon just handed him some cash without even looking at the total and walked He didn't say goodbye or wave...or even look back. I stood there in disbelief. What a disaster!

Jimin: "It's OK, Y/N. He was a jerk." Jimin put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze.


I stopped by my parents' house on the way home and told my mom all about my date from hell. 

MOM: "I wish your dad would leave you alone and stop trying to set you up." She rolls her eyes.

Y/N: "I know. I will meet someone nice eventually. I am not pressed. Well I am going home. I am going to say hi to dad before I leave." I walk toward my dad's office.


DAD: "OH, so how did the date go?"

Namjoon- On The Phone: ""Awful. You didn't tell me she was sooo uh... large." I sighed heavily.

DAD: "Well, I knew you wouldn't go out with her if you knew THAT ahead of time. But I know that once you got to know her, you would have liked her. She is independent and successful. Plus, she has a really pretty face."

Namjoon- On The Phone: "NO thank you. I'm sure she is a nice person, but... "



That's when Y/N walked in and waved.

My eyes grew large.

Did she hear what just happened???


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