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I swear I'm not crazy...

"So you expect me to keep chasing you when all this time you been wanting another nigga. I'm not stupid Allison." Domo screamed. Hopefully he was about to break up with me cause I was sick of him whining like a bitch.

I just stared at him I don't know what he wants me to say, everybody and they mama knew how I felt about Mason but domo was a good look to have once he got drafted.

"You know what I'm done with up shit, fuck you and that nigga mason, he don't even want you slow ass." He said walking out the door and slamming it .

I wasn't the least bit mad about him breaking up with me and leaving. Besides him being a good look he was also a weak ass nigga who likes to threaten to kill hisself if I leave. I've tried to break up with him multiple times and he did that bitch shit so I stayed. I'm not all that bad, I have history with Domo so I didn't want him to die. But now oh I don't give a damn, I'm about to put all my focus into mine and Masons relationship.


I watched the car ahead of me as I mimicked every move it made but I made sure to stay at least two cars behind. Taking a few more pills I tried to calm down. Once they made I left I made one too, being high off the pills I've been taking today I didn't realize the pulled into a OBGYN. Why the fuck are they here? I said to my self.

Everybody on campus knows that Bella was going through something which led her to quit the basketball team and take online classes but nobody knew what it was. Hell nobody even saw Mason, Scooter or Kacy in campus anymore. Granted Scooter and Mason still showed up to practice and games but you could tell they weren't all the way there.

Sitting outside for about a hour and a half they finally came out and I saw something that broke my heart in two. Watching them pull off again I followed. I knew they didn't have the same living situations anymore so I didn't know where they lived.

They pulled into a nice ass townhome which happens to be the same neighborhood that Masons mama lived in. When they got out I watched to see which door they went in. 

Pacing myself I needed to make sure I could focus.

Going in my glove compartment I pulled out what I needed and proceeded out the door.

Being the person that I was I never thought I would do the shit I was about to do. I wasn't like this until Mason did what he did to me. I hadn't the slightest idea as to why he wouldn't make me his girl. That ate at me everyday. I had men falling at me feet to be with me and he only wanna fuck but now that he's with that bitch Bella he cut me off completely. I WASN'T HERE FOR THAT!! they had me ducked up but I got something for they asses.

When I got to the door I picked the lock, luckily the door not me made a lot of noise. As I creeped in the door I heard the sound of a TV. Pulling my gun out my bag I rounded the corner and saw them sitting on the couch cuddled up. Cocking my gun back I got their attention.

"Well well well, if it isn't the lovely couple." I said smuggly

"Yo, wtf are you doing in my crib!" Mason yelled.

"I came for you Mason and our baby." I told him and it was the truth I don't care about Bella I just wanted mason and our child. No I'm not pregnant but their baby was mine I could feel it.

"Deadass Allison, you on some bullshit, put the fucking gun down!" He said walking towards me. Now I wasn't gone shoot him cause I love him but he doesn't know that.

"Mason, don't protect her! She stole our baby and you from me!"

They were looking at me like I was crazy, IM NOT FUCKING CRAZY!

"Mason you were supposed to love me! You said you loved me!" I screamed.

"You right." He said which shocked me.

"What?" I asked I expected him to fight for Bella's life or something, shit I don't even care I'm happy as hell.

"I said you right, the only reason I'm with her is cause she's carrying my baby. I want to be with you." He said slowly walking towards me.

"I knew it ! Now we can be together, and when she has our baby it will all work out." I beamed: my heart was pumping so I dropped the gun and ran to him meeting him half way from where he was walking towards me.

Before I could even blink the world went black...


Groaning I started to wake up, trying to focus my vision. When my vision finally came to all I saw was white walls, trying to get up I felt like my arms were being held down.

"Hello, is anybody there?" I yelled out a few times until I seen the wall open, it wasn't even a regular door it was kinda like a trapped door.

"Ah miss Carter, it's nice to see you finally awake." A doctor spoke to me.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You in a facility to help you get better. You've been out for a month. With the amount of drugs they found in your system if the young couple that called the police waited then you would have died. Considering the fact that you were holding them at gun point they didn't want you in jail. We also came across your file and you should have been jere a long time ago.. with that being said, the judge have you life here with the possibility of being released under my say so."

"I SWEAR IM NOT CRAZY!" I yelled at his back as he walked out. He turn to me and what he said next let me know I was never getting out of jere.

"That's what they all say until somebody ends up dead then you'll plead insanity so you won't get jail time. I pity people like you. I hope you enjoy your stay."




1. How y'all feel about Allison's ending? Should I have killed her?

2. Where is everybody reading from? I'm from Louisville.

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