Game Day/ Crowning 👑

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The T.V. Sat mounted on the wall in the perfect position for the living room and the kitchen in the open floor plan of Bella and Masons high rise complex. Though it was at a high volume no one payed attention to it as Bella tried to get her kids dressed and Mason made breakfast while listening to Bella yell at the kids. They should be listening though because their life was about to take a turn that nobody was prepared for.

On the T.V. ....
News reporter: I am Kissa Koshi reporting live from Whitney County psychiatric hospital, were there has been a massacre. More then 15 bodies where found though out this 15 story building. No arrest have been made due to the security footage missing but there is a suspect, speaking to my source I was informed that there is a patient missing. The CEO has not released the name of the missing patient. With investigation underway we advise the city of Miami to be on high alert. I am Kissa Koshi with WBTZ, back to you Rick.

Mason Lesean Marshall
"Rhyleigh, Put your damn pants on!, Rhyan stopped running around the house." I heard Bella yelling at our twins, they were bad as hell.

"Mason! Get your damn kids before I beat they asses!" They was a everyday routine with them, Rhyleigh hates pants and Rhyan hated being still.

Today was too important for us to be late. This day was busy as fuck not to mention it was Mello's birthday. So yea we had shit to do.

"Mason! I swear, I'm leaving y'all here!" I heard Bella walking out the kids room.

"Come finish this food and ima get the kids, I'm ready and you still gotta get dressed." I told her when she came into the kitchen.

"Fine, but yo kids dude, they fucking bad!" She said pissed. I only laughed cause they didn't give me these problems.

"Oh now they my kids? Yea ight." I said walking up to her and wrapping my arms around her waist. Leaning down I pecked her lips a few times.

"Gone put the food on some plates and get dressed."I told her as I let her go and walked towards the kids room.

Bella has the clothes already out so it took me no time to get them ready. Once I was done I walked to the kitchen and  sat them down. Putting their Bibbs on I fed them and made sure not the let them get anything g in their clothes.

About 10mins later Bella came down stairs ready to go.

"Damn you look good." I said looking at her.

"Thank you, you look handsome yourself." She replied, grabbing Rhyleigh from me.

"Let's go before we not make it out of here." I told her looking her up and down. I couldn't wait till the end of the night cause I definitely had a surprise for her.

"MASON MARSHALL WITH THE FREE THROW.... HEEEEE SHOOTS... HE SCORESS! MIAMI HEAT FOR THE WINN!! Miami taking home the championship!" The commentators announced!

Today was a must win, I mean every game was but this day was something special

Walking out of the locker room, I step into the hall way and was greeted with a surprise.

"Congratulations MASON!" I saw my lil family standing around with balloons and shit. Being the only rookie on the team people thought I was gone fail but I was the first draft pick for a reason. Tonight was my first game, they was bullshitting me the whole season and decided to put me in the championship game. Coach told me he did that shit for a reason but I didn't understand that shit.

"Ouuu Mason I think me and the kids was the loudest ones in the stadium." Bella said walking up to me and holding each of the kids hands. I was beaming with pride looking at my family.

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