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My final "hoe"

"You need to follow through with the plan Monica. With them having Bella back nobody has come for you so they don't know that we were working with Jason and Kendra." Allison said while we were sitting in her room.

I had been on edge since the night I left the hospital after Kacy caught me talking to scooter. Had I'd known about them doing the explosion I wouldnt had went up there to begin with and I would have told Te' that we needed another plan to get money out of him.

I was recently served with papers from the court to have a DNA test done on my son and also said that in the event of Scooter being the father he was suing for full custody. When I first got the papers I was livid I was tired of working, tired of selling my pussy to the highest bidder. Scooter was my damn cash cow but now that's about to get ruined. I was damned if I do damn if I dont.

"Allison worry about Mason not wanting you and Domo either. I got me." I said rolling my eyes
At the clinic for testing...

Walking into the building with my son holding my hand I got a strange feeling in my stomach, I didn't know what was about to happen but I knew it wouldn't be in my favor.

When I took my seat sitting my son next to me I scanned the room and paused when I saw Scooter sitting in a corner with a pregnant Kacy. Deciding to be petty I called out to them making everybody in the room turn their attention to us.

"Scooter, you over there with yo pregnant bitch but you can't say hi to me and your son?!" I asked him yelling across the room.

I believe I could see the steam coming out of Kacy's ears and I loved it. I kind of felt some kind of way when he started rubbing her stomach and whispering in her ear making her smile and nod.

"Our of respect for your son and my wife, I'm not gone feed into yo bullshit. You not doing anything but embarrassing yourself shorty." He scuffed at me. Fuck them. Either way this test went I was taking my son and running away from this state.

"Marshall, Codwell. Testing room 4 to the right." The lady called out.

They swabbed all of our mouths and told us it would take 7 to 14 day for the results. But scooter knowing who he knows he had the results expedited and we would get them in two.

Both of us along with the courts would get a email and mails copy of the results.

Once I got home I started packing my things, not everything but enough for us to put in the car and travel with. I had a little of 8 thousand saved up.

I thought hard about the decision i was about to make and decided it was for the best...


pulling up to the apartment complex I got my son Aiden out the car grabbed his bags. Walking down the hall to apartment 204 I sat his bags down and knocked before I walked off down the hall, looking back periodically to make sure he wasn't following me. As I ran to my car I felt like I was free. If it wasn't for the money and the time we spent planning all the bullshit I would have been gave my son up but I needed him to help me secure the bag, unfortunately his lil ass is had no use for me anymore so I was going to live my damn life as far away from Tallahassee as possible.


I ended up in New York and I must say the men here are fine as fuck, maybe my plan will work here better then it did back home. I just needed to find the right nigga to run me his coins. I didn't let anybody know where I was going cause my family was money hungry and all it took was for Scooter or somebody to pay them for my whereabouts and they would sell me out.

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