Kacy- Part 2

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What the hell is going on...

"She has to wake up." I heard Bella sniffling.

"She wouldn't leave me like this, I know she wouldn't." She continued.

"Kacy is too stubborn to leave us." I heard Scooter say. Why was he here? Where am I? Why couldn't I see anybody?

"Us? Scooter let's not forget that you hurt my best friend's feelings. Remember y'all not together." Bells said reading Scooter his rights . Yassss bestfriend let him know !

"She knows I didn't mean that shit, when we stopped talking, she thought I was on the phone with some female when I was talking to my auntie. I call her my T Lady (top lady) , when she feels like I don't see her enough I let her know she's my leading lady till I find my wife. Kacy jumps to conclusions before letting my explain but all in all we weren't together." He explained.

"Why didn't you tell her that instead of letting her think you didn't want her?" She asked him.

"I was going to but she gave up too easily. I know us being around each other was new but I wanted to see if she would fight me on my statement and she didn't she just left not even 10mins after the little argument." He replied.

Like I said before, that's why I was giving Shane so many chances cause I felt like I didn't fight for me and Scooter.

It was now November and thanksgiving break was in two days, depending on how long I've been where I'm at now and judging by the sounds i think I'm in a hospital. School started August 21st, I met Scooter two days later and we had been texting up until the Alpha party which was August 30th. That's three months of  "being together" I developed feelings for him and my feelings where hurt thinking he was playing me. We may not have put a title on us but my feelings were there! 

"I don't know why she felt like I was about to let her run off with the next nigga, she lost ha fuckin marbles."  He said scuffing.

"Y'all need to talk period. Y'all breaking up was from lack of communication." I heard bell say.

"She ain't got no choice, she gone be my shorty forever, simple."

Yes, daddy.

"That's right get your girl." I heard Bella laughing. She told me multiple times that she loved me and Scooter together so she was team Scooter 100%.

"What about you and Mason?" I heard him ask her.

"Not shit." She said quickly.

"Don't give me that, y'all miss each other probably more then me and Kacy."

"Naa I'm pissed that I dropped my hoes and now I gotta get em back, got my sending out text like 'hey big head' ." 

I was trying to laugh but I guess I was putting stress on my body and I heard my machines going off.


My eyes lids weren't as heavy as they were before. Slowly but surely I started gaining control.

After trying for what seemed like forever I eyes slowly opened and begin adjusting to the light.

Once they did, I started looking around the room, seeing Bella on the couch sleep with her head in Mason's lap, I did see scooter. When I tried to move a little I felt something on the other side of me. Wincing a little I moved to see scoot laying in bed with me. Honestly it was the cutest shit ever.

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