Unknown ⬆️

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Three days before Bella was kidnapped...
"¡Necesito saber qué demonios está pasando!" ( I need to know what the fuck is going on!) I yelled to my men while slamming my hands in the large rectangular table.

"Se-Señor, teníamos ojos en ellos hasta que nos vieron y comenzaron a disparar contra el auto." (Sir- sir we had eyes on them until they spotted us and started firing at the car.) One of my guards said.

"¿Y le devolviste el fuego?" (And did you fire back?) I asked walking towards the side of the table h sat on.

"N-No, salimos de allí tan rápido como pudimos." (N-No, We got out of there as fast as we could.) He started sweating profusely and looking everywhere but me.

"A qué mierda te refieres, no le devolviste el tiro?" (What the fuck you mean, you didn't shoot back?) I gripped the collar of his shirt and pulled him out the chair.

"Yo-yo no-no estábamos pensando." (I-I we-we weren't thinking.)

"¡Así que la viste follarla! ¡¿Ni siquiera intentaste arrebatarla ?!" (So you fucking watched her get way! You didn't even attempt to snatch her?!)

"Nosotros-" (We-) I cut him off.

"Cállate, joder. Sin excusas, solo resultados!) (Shut the fuck up. No excuses, just results!) I recited as I put a bullet in his head.


I watched as his blood spattered all over the closes people next to him.

"Jerry, jerry, jerry." I said walking close to him. Since he was sitting next to the person I just shot.

"Jefe de Naa, no estaba con la mierda en la que estaba, antes de que lo mataras, deberías haberle preguntado por qué me había dejado allí en ese tiroteo." (Naa boss, I wasn't with the bullshit he was on, before you killed him you should have asked him why he left me there at that shoot out.)

See, I knew I wasn't going to have to kill jerry cause I had eyes on them the whole time. He was the most solid worker I had.

Them niggas had ONE job and that was to kidnap Bella and bring to me.

"¡Todos son incompetentes! ¡Encuéntrala o encuentra a los miembros de tu familia MUERTOS!" (yall are incompetent! find her or find your family members DEAD!) I said walking out the room.

"Jay, ¿qué pasa?" (Jay what's Wrong) my wife asked.

"nada, ven chupa mi polla estoy estresado." (Nothing come suck my dick, I'm stressed.)

Like the good girl she was she dropped to her knees and pleased me.


Three days later, The day of...

*ring* *ring*

Picking up my ringing phone I saw that it was Jerry calling.

"Jefe tenemos ojos en ella." (Boss we have eyes on her.) He said as soon as I picked up, he knew I wasn't for that beating around the bush shit.

"Arrebatala a ella o la siguiente bala que sale de mi arma va en tu cabeza!" (Snatch her or the next bullet that come out my gun is going in your head!) I said hanging up.

"My love, we have to go. I have a gift for you." I told My wife shaking her awake.

"What is it Jay, it better be something I really want." She said slipping out of the bed and walking into the restroom.

Sometimes I couldn't stand her ass because of how cold she was but I loved her for the same reason.

"Make it quick, we have shit to do." I said as soon as she shut the door.


Three hours later...

We pulled up to the building where I had her surprise.

"Can I even get a hint as to what my surprise is?" She asked me getting out the car.

"No. Just come in." I said grabbing her hand and pulling her to the entrance where my guards are.

Walking in the building I took her to the room where I had 20 chairs set up.

"sentar." (Sit.) I said pointing to the chair and I walked out the room.

Going into the room where I held the surprise. I spoke.

"Siéntela en la esquina, quítese la venda y deje las esposas puestas." (sit her down in the corner, take the blindfold off and leave the cuffs on.)

"Pensándolo bien, mantén la venda puesta." (On second thought keep the blindfold on.)

She looked just like her father sitting there and I hated it, with him being dead there was nobody stopping me from getting to her. She may not remember me but I sure as hell Do remember her.

I asked her some questions but she didn't answer.

While I was preparing for the next step of my plan, my wife walked in. To the blind eye she looked calm cool and collected but I knew her and I could tell she was overly excited.

She had saw her surprise after I left her in the room next door, the room had a two way mirror so when I walked in the light cut on automatically and she was able to see in the room.

"Mama..." Bella said.

She must have caught her voice. Personally I didn't want her to know who we were till me were able to sell her, that's why I put Kendra in the room. I didn't think she would recognize her voice off bat.

"Well hello Bella." Kendra said with laughter in her voice.

"Mama, how could you!" She yelled sounding like she was about to cry.

"quítate la venda" (take her blindfold off) I said snapping my fingers at my men.

"I did what I had to do Bella. It's not like I wanted you anyways."

"Granted you weren't the best mother but I didn't get any indications that you did t want me." Bella said as she was now mad.

"What can I say, I should have been a damn actress." Kendra said shrugging he shoulders.

"We need to go Jay, video call when we get to the next location." She said walking away.

You wouldn't know who calls the shots with us. She was my equal, if she said something in front of our men it goes and vice versa, if we disagreed then we would discuss it when we were in private. I might not be shit but when it came to business me and my wife were partners so we respected eachother.

"cargarla en el camión es casi tiempo de juego!" (load her in the truck it's almost game time!) I said happily. It was almost show time! They aren't gonna know what hit them.


Ohhhh shitttt , Who y'all think this is?... (I dropped hints in multiple chapters 😉)

Any prediction? It's about to get good ! I got a lot of twist coming!

BTW: I used google translate again so again if it ain't right My B.
Next update ...... TUESDAY!! 


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