Chapter 58

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A/N - Hello my lovelies!! So sorry that this is posted so late in the day but I promise, it will be worth it. I quite literally have no experience in what happens in the next few chapters so I hope that it's okay... these chapters required extensive research and so I hope I got it right *nervous laughter* anyways I hope you enjoy it... goodness knows you deserve it. Though I think after the next chapter you guys might be a little mad at me but... oh well. Now, onto my weekly dedications

@MiniMary202 @SenniGirl @AliceHavok @FatherLouisSugaAdams @Ink_demon66 @aestheteale @Jex0304 @astridb14 @Harris692 @kris_ty_na @Theoptimistic123 @CaptainMarvel0705 @MeguelineMaraschim @Mycookiemonster95 @fuzzywuzzy406 @ahtenaismona @FanFictionGirl19981 @CharlieBrown104 @isabelledospatins @GillianAqua @mia-jane1024 @Chloe0Z @BunnyOfMoon @izzyb_12 @kandykanekittykat @EmmelineGRWeasley

And now I present to you, chapter one of two, love you muchly, Kisses - K


"So this is where West was found?" John asks the other railroad worker. The two of them were wearing matching orange reflective vests as then walked on the closed off train tracks.

"Yeah." The worker says. "Are you going to be long?"

"I might be." John admits as the two of them walk along the tracks.

"Are you the police, then?"

"Sort of."

"I hate 'em."

"The police?" John turns to man confused.

"No, jumpers." The man corrects himself. "People who chuck 'emselves in front of trains. Selfish bastards."

Dr. Watson responds slowly. "Well, that's one way of looking at it."

"I mean it. It's all right for them. It's over in a split second, strawberry jam all over the lines." The worker explains his reasoning. "What about the drivers, eh? They've got to live with it, haven't they?"

"Yeah, speaking of strawberry jam," John starts as he's reminded of something. "There's no blood on the line. Has it been cleaned off?" He questions as he is crouched down and looking at the rail lines.

"No, there wasn't that much."

John stands up straight and looks over to the man confused. "You said his head was smashed in."

"It was, but there wasn't much blood."


"Well, I'll leave you to it, then. Just give us a shout when you're off." And with that the worker walked away leaving John to his thoughts.

"Right. Right, so, Andrew West got on the train somewhere. Or did he?" The good doctor talks to himself. "There was no ticket on the body. How did he end up here?" Suddenly there is a sounds of screeching metal and the tracks change from one path to another.

"The points." Sherlock says from behind John.

"Yes!" John snaps up and turns around only to see Sherlock and Kat standing behind him.

"I knew you'd get there eventually." Sherlock smiles proudly at John. "West wasn't killed here, that's why there was so little blood."

"How long have you guys been following me?"

"Since the start." Kat admits with a smile. "Sherlock made me promise not to tell you.

"You don't think I'd give up on a case like this just to spite my brother, do you?" Sherlock asks John rhetorically. "Come on, we've got a bit of burglary to do."

Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Where stories live. Discover now