Chapter 7

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"You'll need to wear one of these." Sherlock says to John gesturing to the blue clean suits.

"Who's this?" Lestrade questions gesturing to John as he puts on his clean suit.

"He's with me." Sherlock replies curtly.

"But who is he?"

"I said he's with me." Sherlock repeats with a small edge of anger in his voice.

"Aren't you going to put one on?" John questions and Sherlock just stares at him for a minute before Greg breaks the silence.

"So, Sherlock, have you met Kat?" Greg asks.

Kat opens her mouth to reply but Sherlock beat her to it.

"Seeing as we both came in here together, the answer is, yes we have been acquainted."

"Sherlock." Kat bumps his arm lightly. "Be nice."

"Sorry." Sherlock mumbles.

Greg just looks at John with a look of surprise on his face.

"He's never apologized for anything. Ever." Lestrade tells John when Sherlock and Kat weren't listening.

"Really?" John questions. "What, do you think he fancies Kat?"

Lestrade laughs. "Sherlock Holmes? Fancy a girl? Like that will happen."

"Why would you say that?" John asks but right before Greg could answer Sherlock and Kat walk back with their gloves on.

"So where are we?" Sherlock questions.

"Upstairs." Kat answers for him.

"I can give you two minutes." The detective inspector informs him on their way upstairs to the victim.

"May need longer." Sherlock answers as Greg leads them up the stairs to the body.

"Her name's Jennifer Wilson, according to her credit cards. We're running them now for contact details. Hasn't been here long. Some kids found her."

When they finally get into the room with Jennifer's body, Sherlock walks up to the body and stares at it while Kat, John, and Greg wait by the door. The women is wearing a bright pink coat, pink shoes and is laying face down on the floor.

"Shut up." Sherlock suddenly snaps.

"I didn't say anything." Lestrade replies defensively.

"You were thinking. It's annoying." Sherlock snaps.

Then Sherlock bends down and examines the body. He looks at the jewelry, her clothing, and the message she left scratched on the floor. 'Rache.' In Sherlock's head words are flying everywhere as he deduces the dead women.

The message is by her left hand and her once perfectly manicured nails are destroyed: Left handed.

The message: RACHE- German (n.) revenge. That doesn't make sense so he quickly erases those words. Sherlock then goes through the alphabet putting every letter at the end of the note until he finds a real word. Suddenly he finds it: She was writing Rachel.

Sherlock bends down closer to the body.

He rubs his hand over her back: Wet

Umbrella in pocket: Dry

Under coat collar: Wet

Sherlock then pulls out his pocket magnifier and holds it to her jewelry.

Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Where stories live. Discover now