Chapter 51

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A/N - As promised here is the second update... happy me that I had no school today. We are on the final countdown my loves. 10 chapters left before book 2!!! Ahhh I'm so excited I never though I would be writing (and honestly completing) any books so I'm really proud of myself. I am going to save the dedications for the next chapter because I'm just so excited for you guys to read what I have in store for you this week.

As always, Love you muchly, Kisses - K


"Colombia?!" Lestrade exclaims incredulously.

"Mr Ewart, of Janus Cars, had a 20,000 Colombian peso note in his wallet. Quite a bit of change, too." Sherlock adds with a small smile. "He told us he hadn't been abroad recently, but when I asked him about the cars, I could see his tan line clearly. No-one wears a shirt on a sunbed. That, plus his arm."

"His arm?"

"He kept scratching it." Sherlock explains as he thinks back to when he watched Mr. Ewart scratch his arm multiple times. "Obviously irritating him, and bleeding."


"Because he'd recently had a booster jab. Hep-B, probably. Difficult to tell at that distance. Conclusion: he'd just come back from settling Ian Monkford into his new life in Colombia."

"I mean it makes sense," Kat jumps in smiling impressed with Sherlock as always. "Mrs. Monkford cashes in the life insurance, and she splits it with Janus Cars."

"Mrs. Monkford?" John and Lestrade exclaim incredulously and turn to Kat.

"Oh, yes." The curly haired detective answers excitedly. "She's in on it too. Now, go and arrest them, Inspector, that's what you do best. We need to let our friendly bomber know that the case is solved." With that Sherlock heads out of the office while sending a message to the bomber as Kat and John follow close behind him. "I am on fire!" Sherlock yells and Kat laughs but is soon interrupted by a ding from her phone.

'Good Kitty Kat. I always knew you could figure it out. This next case might be a little too high-profile for you, but I'm sure you'll figure it out. XOXO'

The pink phone rings and Sherlock stops as he answers it. "He says you can come and fetch me." The hostage tells them. "Help! Help me, please!"


"Hey," Sherlock says to Kat stopping her in her tracks. The three crime fighters were off to go eat some food. John went inside the restaurant already, but Kat and Sherlock stayed outside for a moment. "You never told me how you got the idea about Janus Cars."

"Oh," Busted, Kat thinks as she cringes a little.

"And don't even bother trying to lie to me." Sherlock jokes lightly, "We both know that won't work." Kat laughs a little. "Does it have something to do with the messages you keep getting on your phone?"

"What-" Kat stutters out confused. "How, how do you know about those?"

Sherlock just points to himself and says. "Detective." Which causes Kat to laugh.

"Well, the first message I got was in the morgue, right before John went to go see Mycroft about Andrew West." Kat tells him.

"Ah, I remember." Sherlock smiles and he notices her hands shaking. The curly haired detective grabs on to her hands to try and calm her down. "It's okay, you can tell me."

"Right," Kat smiles gratefully. "Well the message said, 'I hope you're working hard, Kitty Kat. Don't forget to eat... you'll need your strength if you're going to solve this case. XOXO'." Kat tells him verbatim. "The next message I got right after we solved the first case which said, 'You're little boyfriend solved this puzzle quicker than I thought. I wonder what else that hunk of a man is capable of... if you know what I mean. Remember to take it easy Kitty Kat, your shoulder and ribs won't heal if you don't take a break, besides, I'm the only one who's allowed to hurt you. XOXO' ."

Sherlock grits his teeth at the mention of someone hurting Kat, but he pushes forward anyway. "How did this person know you're injured... unless they've been watching us." Sherlock questions as more of a statement. He was also ignoring the fact that they called him Kat's boyfriend. A title he liked more than he probably should. "Have you gotten any more of these messages?"

"Yeah, 'There are different ways people deal with boredom; Some of us solve crimes, some of us create them. I like to play games, Kitty Kat, and I've got you chasing after my feather on a string... or should I say, rope. Enjoy this next puzzle. XOXO'. That one was right before we started this last case." Kat tells him. "Then, after we spoke to Ian Monkford's wife, I got this message; 'Ian Monkford; what a naughty, naughty boy. He seems a little "two-faced" to me Kitty Kat, if you know what I mean. He kinda reminds me of Roman mythology, don't you think? XOXO'." Kat takes a deep breath. "This was the last message I got when we finished the Monkford case; 'Good, Kitty Kat. I always knew you could figure it out. This next case might be a little too high-profile for you, but I'm sure you'll figure it out. XOXO'."

"High-profile?" Sherlock asks confused. "And why do they keep calling you Kitty Kat? Did someone you used to know ever call you that?"

"Not that I know of." Kat paused for a moment. "Wait do you think that the bomber might know me? Like be someone from my past? Could I have crossed paths with the person who killed Carl Powers?"

"I don't know," Sherlock tells her honestly. "But I do know that we can't rule it out. Whoever keeps sending you these messages, knows you and knows about the case we're on."


"Feeling better?" Sherlock asks John after he and Kat join the good doctor a the table.

John sighs nodding his head a little. "To be honest, we've hardly stopped for breath since this thing started." John hesitates a moment before beginning his next sentence. "Has it occurred to you-"

"Probably." Sherlock interrupts John and Kat smiles into her glass of water. Kat had gotten a small plate of pasta but she wasn't eating it, instead she was just pushing it around her plate.

John rolls his eyes at Sherlock and pushes further. "No, has it occurred to you that the bomber's playing a game with you? The envelope, breaking into the other flat, the dead kid's shoes; it's all meant for you."

Sherlock sends a quick glance to Kat as he thinks about their earlier conversation. "Yes, I know."

"Is it him, then? Moriarty?" The grey haired man asks the question all three of them had been thinking in the back of their minds.

Sherlock thinks carefully before answering. "Perhaps." Suddenly the pink phone rings again and there are three pips before a photo of a women appears on the phone. "That could be anybody."

"Well, it could be, yeah. Lucky for you, I've been more than a little unemployed." Kat and Sherlock look at John a little confused.

"How d'you mean?" Kat asks John who gets up and grabs the television remote to change the station in the small café.

"Lucky for you, Mrs Hudson and I watch far too much telly."

John changes it to a station that has a fairly relatively heavy women on who seems to be giving fashion advice to people. "Thank you, Tyra!" The women says. "Doesn't she look lovely, everybody, now? Anyway Speaking of silk purses..."

"High-profile." Kat's eyes widen as she looks to Sherlock who looks back to her with the same expression of bewilderment on his face.

"Interesting..." Sherlock begins to say but trails off as the pink phone rings interrupting him.

Holmes answers it on speaker. "Hello?"

"This one is a bit defective." A women replies shakily as if she was a frail old women. "Sorry. She's blind. This is a funny one. I'll give you 12 hours."

"Why are you doing all of this?" Sherlock demands off the women and the response is one nobody would have expected.

"I like to watch you dance."


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