Chapter 36

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A/N - Hey guys, I am so so so so so so so so sooooooooooooo sorry that I didn't update like at all the past two weeks. I just came back from spending some time with my best friend at her river house in the mountains and, in case you didn't know, the mountains DO NOT have service (and not really any good Wi-Fi either). I tried to update but it never went through. I did have a lot of time to write so I got through two and a half chapters. I am going to post both completed chapters for you guys right now and hopefully I will have the third one finished soon and I will publish it as soon as its done to make up for lost time. If I don't end up finishing it by the end of the week, however, I will be giving you guys two chapters when I post again next Sunday.

And now for my dedications to my very loyal readers who are still here despite me and my weirdness!! Thank you to... @nightfury_2005 @Alex_Lyra @Theoptimistic123 @MeguelineMaraschim @redandblackbarrys @mia-jane1024 @Saphire2102 @MBG202 @Mycookiemonster95 @AuroraDeLuca804 @grande55 @_ohheyisabella_ @EmmelineGRWeasley @athenawinchester_x @Khaleesi_katherine I love you all muchly!!!!!

Enjoy the double update,

Kisses -K


Long after John had left, after calling up for tickets to the circus that Sherlock recommended, Sherlock was pacing around the living room almost nervously.

"Come on, Sherlock." Kat interrupts his thoughts. "What's on your mind?"

Sherlock stops and turns to her and Kat can now see the look on his face: A look of pure terror. Sherlock had told her about his thoughts on the Chinese Circus that they were going to tonight but she didn't peg him to be terrified of confronting the Black Lotus gang.

"I've never really done this before so I'm not quite sure how it goes." Sherlock mumbles quickly. "I'd ask John because I'm sure he has loads of experience, but I really don't want him to ask too many questions and,"

"Hey," Kat interrupts him standing up and walking over to him. "I've learned that ripping a band-aid off quickly means that the pain is over quicker." She tells him with a smile. Sherlock takes a deep breath and looks Kat directly in the eyes.

"Will you go on a date with me?" Sherlock asks her suddenly. "A real date." He adds so she knows that he is being one hundred percent genuine.

Kat stands there surprised for a moment before she realized that she hadn't said anything yet.

"Yes." She smiles. "I will go on a date with you." After hearing that Sherlock releases a breath in relief.

"Good. Great." Sherlock says as if he was accepting a job offer and Kat smiles again. Sherlock looks at her smile and pauses again. "Sorry, I am very new to this. You're probably going to have to be very patient with me." He tells her honestly.

Kat gives him another genuine smile. "Of course. Anything to help you out."

"Thank you."


Sherlock and Kat were walking into the small circus area when they came upon John and a women at the ticket booth.

"Hi. I have, er, two tickets reserved for tonight." They hear Watson say to the young man behind the counter.

"And what's the name?"

"Er, Holmes." John replies.

"Actually, I have four in that name." The man behind the counter replies.

Watson looks at Sarah a little confused. "No, I don't think so. We only booked two."

Sherlock takes this time to jump in: "And then I phoned back and got one for myself and Katherine as well." Kat and Sherlock walk over to John and Sarah. "I'm Sherlock." Sherlock hold his hand out for Sarah to shake. She hesitates for a moment but then she accepts his gesture.

Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Where stories live. Discover now