Chapter 52

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A/N - So so so so so so so so so so so so so soooooooooooooo sorry this chapter is late. I had a super busy past few months, I had to find multiple dresses for performances and then a dance and I also had to go to rehearsals for a fashion show I was in and I have had rehearsals every day and oh wow I just got super busy all of the sudden. And I also went out of the country on a school trip and it was so much fun but they were like 17 hour non-stop days. As soon as I got back from the trip I had 3 weeks of shows with more rehearsals everyday and the as soon as the shows finished... this corona virus hit and everything shut down. So I'm finally getting a little bit of a break between having to worry about all of my classes trying to find a way to work around this quarantine. Life = crazy right now, but I'm excited that I've had time to write.

I am hoping that with this free time I have I can try to finish this book this in the next few weeks if possible and begin on the next book. I also hope that all of you are doing okay with all of this craziness that is happening right now. I know it might seem kinda odd but if any of you guys ever wanted to talk or rant about issues about anything in your life with someone who is more than willing to listen, please feel free to DM me cause I'd love to talk to any of you.

And now for my weekly (or monthly) dedications.

Thank you so much to @ahtenaismona @MBG202 @MeguelineMarachim @thrillofbooks @FanFictionGirl19981 @Alex_Lyra @tea_and_sherlock @Theoptimistic123 @Saphire2102 @isabelldospatins @MyCookiemonster95 @clarymorgenstern @GillianAqua @BlackLazureSea @astridb14 @mia-jane1024 @SenniGirl @kris_ty_na @Nintelle @Kikyo12345678 @missquinn02 @Trustmiyelani @Eternal-star @TheTurtleSaidHello @KynaCousland @minikbirbasilisk @kiki_90 @Aquaria12 @ShadowQueen09 @AnnaWilliams21 @FangirlVsReality @Larachr2012 @AnimeLV @ZoeMP3 @EnderSorcererHybrid @Harperlu @FantasyWriter345 @AmberDrummond @AliceAlora @lenbev @Gamergirl32003 @Milara_Cipher @kammie57 @CharlieBrown104 @LexiIntoYou @Wing_love @AnnabelleHallowthorn @fuzzywuzzy406 @EmmelineGRWeasley @prianga @ItsjustmePercy @Shoecoast @LinXiHong @androgynus15 @ananya_stark2601 @Vincey_Princey

Wow, you guys, that is a lot of people who stayed dedicated to this book while I was away. I want to thank you all for continuing to read and vote and comment despite my temporary absence. It means the world to me that you all are as dedicated to this story as I am.

*UPDATE* I wrote this chapter a few days ago and I hadn't posted it yet because I wanted to make sure it was perfect for you all and GUYS!!!! I have not been the best author in the past few months because I haven't updated at all but you guys... my book has reached 50K reads!!! (54.3K to be exact) AHHHHH!! I literally don't think I have any words to describe how this makes me feel except to say I love you all to the moon and back times 50K. I will admit that I have been feeling really down and depressed since this quarantine started and knowing that I have all of you guys and my writing just means the world to me. So thank you all a million times and I hope you enjoy these last few chapters before the next book because shit's going down.

Love You Muchly, Kisses - K


"And I see you're back to your bad habits." The voice of the late Connie Prince is heard through the television in the cafe. "Continuing into the sudden death of the popular TV personality Connie Prince. Miss Prince, famous for her makeover programmes, was found dead two days ago by her brother in the house they shared in Ham."

Kat shoots a smile over to the boys. "Off to the morgue, I guess."


"Connie Prince, 54, she had one of those makeover shows on the telly." Lestrade asks Sherlock as they enter the morgue as Barts. Kat walks over and wheels out Connie's body. "Did you see it?"

Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Where stories live. Discover now