Chapter 26

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A man, who Kat knows to be Detective Inspector Dimmock, walks into the room. Kat is a little confused because Dimmock isn't usually working in this jurisdiction.

Holmes straitened out and walks over to him, his hand extended and ready to shake. "Ah, Sergeant. We haven't met."

"Yeah, I know who you are;" Dimmock says with his hands on his hips stoping Sherlock in his tracks and not shaking his outstretched hand. "And I'd prefer it if you didn't tamper with any of the evidence." He finished angrily and Kat realized that Dimmock is not going to make this easy for them.

"I've phoned Lestrade. Is he on his way?" Sherlock asks, trying to ignore Dimmock's blatant rejection of his hand shake. The curly haired detective holds out the evidence bag he was holding and Dimmock takes it from him.

"He's busy. I'm in charge. And it's not Sergeant, it's Detective Inspector. Dimmock."

"Hey, Detective Dimmock," Kat says with a smile and she comes out from beside the body and walks over to Dimmock. "Do you mind telling me why I wasn't informed of this?" She asks him sweetly.

"Ah, Detective Moore," He replies with a face smile. "I heard that you were running with 'the consultant' but I wasn't sure if it was true or not."

Kat smiles dryly. "Yes, well it is, as a matter of fact."

"Well, on that note, I am not obligated to inform you of all the decisions I make, if any at all." Dimmock replies just as dryly.

"Fine." Is all Kat replies but she continues to stare at him.

Dimmock clears his throat, clearly uncomfortable with Kat's stare. "We're, uh, obviously looking at a suicide."

"That does seem the only explanation of all the facts." Watson nods his head in agreement as the four of them walk into another room. Dimmock hands the evidence bag over to forensics.

"Wrong." Sherlock replies. "It's one possible explanation of some of the facts. You've got a solution that you like, but you're choosing to ignore anything you see that doesn't comply with it."

Kat smiles sheepishly. "I actually agree with Sherlock."

Detective Dimmock grits his teeth, "How so?"

"The wound was on the right side of his head." Holmes replies simply.

"And?" Now Dimmock just looks confused.

"Van Coon was left-handed." Sherlock states. "Requires quite a bit of contortion." The detective adds as he mimicks trying to shoot the right side of his head with his left hand.

"Left-handed?" Detective Dimmock asks incredulously.

"Actually," Kat cuts in, "That one was pretty obvious. I'm amazed you didn't notice. All you have to do is look around this flat."

Dimmock turns to Kat as if suddenly remembering that she was there too.

Kat, feeling annoyed with Dimmock's attitude towards her decided to show off. "His coffee table is on the left-hand side; with the coffee mug handle pointing to the left. Power sockets: he's habitually used the ones on the left. His pen and paper are on the left-hand side of the phone because he picked it up with his right and took down messages with his left." She smirks. "D'you want me to go on?"

"No, I think you've covered it." Watson tells her, surprised with her deductions.

Kat just smiled back at the doctor. She was also pretty impressed with herself, however she was very surprised that none of the others seemed to notice the important detain. The fact that Van Coon was left handed was blindingly obvious, but she chose to ignore the others ignorance and end her list there.

"Oh well, if Katherine won't go on, I might as well; she's almost at the bottom of the list." Sherlock says and shoots her a quick proud smile. "There's a knife on the breadboard with butter on the right side of the blade because he used it with his left." He finishes her list. "It's highly unlikely that a left-handed man would shoot himself in the right side of his head. Conclusion: someone broke in here and murdered him. Only explanation of all the facts."

Dimmock is left early speechless. "But the gun: why..."

"He was waiting for the killer. He'd been threatened." Sherlock cuts him off.


Watson turns to Dimmock suddenly understanding: "Today at the bank. Sort of a warning."

"He fired a shot when his attacker came in." Sherlock explains simply as he picked up his scarf and put it on around his neck and grabbed Kat's coat for her.

"And the bullet?" Dimmock asks stupidly but with a look on his face that showed that he was trying to trip Sherlock up.

"Went through the open window." Sherlock explains. Kat has to take a moment and think about that. Open window? The window was closed when they came in, however the door was locked from the inside.

"Oh," Kat breathes out quietly as she figures it out and turning to give Sherlock a smile to he knew that she had caught up. The killer had to have come in through the window. Kat isn't sure how but they must have broke in that way. However, whoever it was must be a killer climber because Van Coon lives on one of the upper floors and that is a steep climb. Holy crap, Kat thinks, our killer is a Spider-Man.

"Oh, come on!" Detective Dimmock groans frustratedly. "What are the chances of that?!" He snaps in disbelief.

"Wait until you get the ballistics report. The bullet in his brain wasn't fired from his gun. I guarantee it." Sherlock slips on his gloves and Kat slips her arms through her jacket sleeves and puts it on.

Dimmock sighs defeated. "But if his door was locked from the inside, how did the killer get in?"

"Good!" Sherlock says with a hint of a condescending tone in his voice as he smiles smugly. "You're finally asking the right questions." With that, Sherlock grabs Kat's hand and the two of them leave the crime scene and Detective Dimmock, with John following closely behind.


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