Chapter 38

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A/N - My weekly dedications to my lovelies!!!!

THANK YOU to @MBG202 @isabelledospatins @redandblackbarrys @goldenkitsune98 (and I have to ask, it the Kitsune part of your name from Teen Wolf?) @Theoptimistic123 @MeguelineMaraschim @weddinlbc @Alex_Lyra @izzyb_12 @BitterSweetG @mia-jane1024 @MyCookiemonster95 @AuroraDeLuca804 @FANDOM_GEEK_13 @FanFictionGirl19981 @EmmelineGRWeasley @shadownightgla @Gozdealpcetin You guys always make me smile when I open my phone and see all of your votes!!

Also, I know I promised that I would post two chapters today, but unfortunately I only finished one because I had to take three tests and two quizzes on top of rehearsals and notes for class and work... I literally have no life (lol). Now, usually I don't write ahead in case I change my mind on something (you know how inspiration goes), but I wrote one specific scene (because I couldn't help it and I KNOW that I will include this scene) that I will give you at the end of episode 3. Which I am VERY excited for so I hope you guys are excited for it too (even though you don't know what it is yet)!!!!!

Love you muchly!!! Thank you for your continuous support!!!!

Kisses -K


"I'm coming with you." Kat tells Sherlock pointedly and he wants to argue but he also knows it won't get him anywhere so he just agrees.

"Fine, but you won't be doing anything to aggravate your ribs." Sherlock tells her as they get to the bottom of the stairs and leave Baker Street.

"Deal." Kat says and she pats her pocket for her phone while Sherlock attempts to call a taxi. When Kat realizes she doesn't have her phone, or her gun, she turns to Sherlock quickly. "I left my phone and gun inside, I'm going to grab it quickly. Do not leave without me." She adds sternly and, carefully, runs (or speed walks, due to her injury) back inside.

It only takes a few moments for Kat to grab her weapon and phone so it takes no times for her to be headed back downstairs to where Sherlock is waiting for her down the street. Kat opens the door to Baker Street when she comes face to face with a small man who takes no time in pressing a white cloth to her mouth. Kat tries to fight but eventually is forced to breath in the chloroform and her vision is consumed by darkness.


Kat had just ran back inside while Sherlock was still looking for a taxi. He wasn't going to leave without her but he needed to make sure they got a taxi first. He walking around the side of the street frantically and waving his hand out to summon a taxi for him and Kat.

"Taxi!" Sherlock tries to no avail when he bumps into a tourist couple walking down the side of the street and making them drop their guide book.

"Hey, du! Siehst du nicht wo du hingehst?" The man says which Sherlock understands to mean something along the lines of "Hey, you! Why don't you look where you're going?" in German.

Holmes bends down and picks it up, handing it back to them and apologizing. "Entschuldigen Sie, bitte." He said which meant "Forgive me, please."

"Yeah, thanks!" The tourist replied sarcastically as he turns to his female companion and said "And they say the English are polite!"

Sherlock wasn't really paying attention because something caught his eye. "A book that everybody would own." He mutters staring at the tourist's book 'London A-Z.' Sherlock's memory begins reeling and then he suddenly remembers seeing that book in Lukis's and Van Coon's apartment as well as on Soo Lin's desk. He also looked around and saw that many people were holding that book in their hands. Of course, he hadn't thought much of it because it's a tour book. How dumb was that. "Please, wait! Bitte!" Sherlock says calling back to the tourists and running back to them as he realized the most obvious thing sitting right in front of him; A London tour guide book.

"What does he want?" The man says in German as Sherlock rushes up to them and grabs their book. "Hey, you! What are you doing?"

"Minute!" Holmes snaps holding out a single finger to them telling them to wait a minute as he frantically searches for page fifteen entry one.

"Give me my book back!" The tourist yells annoyed. They stand their annoyed for another moment when they just decide to give up and walk away.

"Page fifteen, entry one. Page fifteen, entry one..." Sherlock mutters when he finds what he's looking for he pauses. "Dead man." He reads out. "You were threatening to kill them. It's the first cipher." Holmes then began to translate the other cypher from the train tracks. "Thirty-seven, nine; thirty-seven, nine... Nine mill... for... Sixty, thirty-five. Jade. Jade."


"I'm coming with you." John hears Kat tell Sherlock as the two of them walk down the stairs.

"Fine, but you won't be doing anything to aggravate your ribs." Sherlock replies to her as they get to the bottom of the stairs and leave Baker Street.

John Watson was helping Mrs. Hudson fix a cabinet that was broken accidently at some point earlier that day when Sherlock and Kat ran out in a hurry. John was going to stop them and go with them but then he remembered that Sarah, being an amazing guest, went out to grab the four (or two, seeing as Sherlock and Kat had run out) of them some takeout because they had no food in the apartment and she should be back soon.

A few minutes after Kat and Sherlock left. John heard Kat come back inside and quickly run upstairs, which he assumed she was doing to grab something she had forgotten. As quickly as she ran upstairs, she was back down again and heading out the door, or so the good doctor thought. He heard the door open but never heard it close. Suddenly there was a loud thump, as if a body was hitting the floor. John went over to the door to examine was happened when he saw a Chinese man holding a white cloth over Kat's crumpled body on the floor.

"What the bloody hell did you do to her?" Watson demands to the man. "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Do you have it?" The Chinese man demands as he holds a gun to John and walks a little closer so he is within arms reach of John. Watson had his arms up in surrender as he did not have his gun with him.

"What?" John asks confused.

"Do you have the treasure?" The Chinese man demands and John shakes his head really confused.

"I don't understand." John replies and the man, annoyed, swings his gun at John and hits him in the head hard, knocking him out as well.


The Chinese man ties up Kat and John and drags them out to his car and throws them in the back seat. After he makes sure they can't get out if they wake up early, he pulls out his phone and calls up his boss.

"Shan." He man says into his phone with a sneaky smile. "I have Sherlock Holmes and his little girlfriend in my possession. Where would you like me to bring them?"

"Bring them to the tunnel and set them up for a show." Shan replies simply knowing that her lackey would know what she was talking about. "And bring my favorite toy."


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