Louis Tomlinson

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"Y/N! HAVE YOU SEEN MY SUSPENDERS!" My flat mate yells. I roll my eyes as I continue to read my book, ignoring his question. "Y/n!" I look up from my book and have to prevent my jaw from dropping. He looks incredibly sexy, he has a button up shirt on, black slacks, dark brown dress shoes, and dark brown gloves in his left hand.

"Yes?" I ask before he says something about my staring. My stupid idiot of a brother gave me a flat number with an incredibly hot boy, so far I've been living here for a year.

"Where are my suspenders?" I close my book and get up.

"Most likely in your closet." I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose. He follows close behind.

"I've already checked!" I walk into his room and go straight to his closet. He goes out every Friday night, dressed in a new outfit. This boy buys clothes more then a girl! As I look around his walk in closet he leans against his closet door. "You're not going to-" I pick up a pair of grey suspenders.

"Hmm what was that Tomlinson?" He smirks at me as I dangle the suspenders by my pointer finger.

"Ahh Y/L/N, what would I do without your amazing eyesight?" I flutter my eyes and put a hand over my heart. His stupid accent makes everything ten times worse. I've caught feelings for a man that's searching for his soul mate every weekend.

"Never dress properly?" I smile sweetly hoping maybe one day I could make him fall for me as much as I have him.

Louis William Tomlinson

She smiles at me with her breath taking smile. Every Friday since she showed up looking for a place to live, I've been going out trying to get her to ask me to stay home. I don't know why I keep going out with girls, to make her jealous maybe? She is beautiful, the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen.

"You wound me princess," she giggles as she tosses me my suspenders. Her eyes are sparkly, unlike most times. She keeps herself closed off, but as time goes on I feel like I can read her more and more everyday.

"Get ready you're date will be here soon." She rolls her eyes, which are now back to nothingness. I sigh once she leaves my room. I want nothing more then to wrap her up in my arms. Maybe if I unbutton my shirt at the top she will have some sort of emotion. Earlier she just looked at me blankly. I finished getting ready and looked at myself in the mirror. "SHE'S HERE!" I sigh and run my hands through my hair. I walk out and my date his glaring at Y/n. She's the complete opposite of Y/n. Annoying, loud, high pitched voice, no glasses...

"Louis!" I internationally groan as I walk to the door with a fake smile.

Please say something Y/n, please say something.

"Oh and Louis," I look at her with an actual smile. "Please don't bring this one home tonight." She smiles innocently but I can see the mischief in her eyes. She knows I never sleep with any of the girls I go out with. I chuckle softly as her eyes glow with an emotion I've never seen in her eyes. I couldn't tell you what emotion it was because as I got pulled in the annoying girl screeched my name. Y/n's sparkle was gone and covered with annoyance.

"Louis! Our dinner reservations!" I roll my eyes and her eyes light up again with that emotion.

"Hey umm Carlee right?" I look at her and scratch the back of my neck.

"No its Francesca!" (Sorry if your name is Carlee or Francesca.) Me and Y/n rolled our eyes.

"Sorry not sorry but I have new plans." I slammed the door in her face and Y/n immediately started laughing.

"You should have saw her face when I answered the door and not you!" She laughed harder and I smiled at her. She was so gorgeous. Awe screw it! I grabbed her waist and pulled her to me. She stopped laughing and her eyes widened, emotions swirled in her eyes. I looked at her lips and then pressed mine to hers. She immediately kissed me back.

It. Felt. AMAZING! This girl has made me fall for her in so many different ways. Finally being able to kiss her lips is relaxing. They're just as I imagined them being.


I smiled against his lips, he cancelled plans with some super model looking girl to kiss me?! We pulled away and I playfully slapped his chest.

"You're such a flirt Tomlinson," I started walking back to the couch when he grabbed my arm.

"I'm not trying to be a flirt, I like you Y/n, like, a lot." My eyes widened and his eyes held honesty. I smiled and grabbed his suspenders with my pointer fingers and thumbs. I pulled him closer to me.

"Break my heart and I'll break your face William." He smirked and brought his face closer to mine.

"Does that mean you like me too?" I rolled my eyes and connected our lips. It started getting heated and he picked me up by my thighs and started carrying me to his room. He stopped outside of his door and broke our kiss. "Are you sure? If we do this you have to be my girlfriend." I laughed and connected our lips, he opened the door and well you know what happens after...

Wanted to write something new/different, so I wrote it in both of their point of views. Hope it was good.

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