Neels Visser

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Me and my boyfriend Neels have been together for five years. I don't plan on leaving him anytime soon, hopefully he feels the same way. I am laying on the couch watching Blue Bloods when my handsome boyfriend walked in.

"Hey babe," I smiled at him and we pecked.

"How was work today?" He is a model so sometimes it's stressful, other times I don't like seeing his pictures because it has girls in it, then there's the day when he has fun.

"The usual," I rolled my eyes. He had a stressful day. "Blue bloods?" I smiled and looked at the tv.

"Yup, it's a rerun." He laid across my lap and I played with his hair and massaged his shoulders. "Want to have a lazy day today?" I asked as both of our eyes were glued to the tv.

"Naw babe I have something we are doing tonight." He sat up and I looked at him with interest, well more then usual anyway.

"What is it?" He walked towards our room and I was on my knees with my hands on the back of the couch.

"It's a surprise gorgeous," He yelled from our room. I rolled my eyes and jumped over the back of the couch. I walked in to see him grabbed a dress shirt and dress pants with some dress shoes. "Dress fancy Y/n."

"Alrighty," I walked to my closet and looked through it for something fancy. I found three dresses, a black long cocktail dress, a short white skater dress, and a short red tight dress. I decided to go with the red.

I went to the guess bathroom and showered

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I went to the guess bathroom and showered. I brought my makeup in with me and did a nude look. I allowed my hair to air dry and left it natural (whatever your hair looks like natural.)

"Y/n are you ready?" Neels yelled from the livingroom. I looked between flats or heels, both were black. I decided to go with heels.

"Yup," I smiled as I walked into the livingroom.

"Wow, you look... Stunning," I blushed and looked at my outfit. I had my black handbag in my right hand. I looked really good, I am very proud.

"You don't look so bad yourself," he smirked and held his arm out for me to loop mine through. We walked out and locked the door. The ride to wherever we are going was silent and short. We pulled up to some Italian restaurant, I looked at Neels with furrowed eyebrows. "Babe this place is expensive."

"Don't worry about it, anything for you." I rolled my eyes but couldn't help to smile. We got out and walked in, the waiter took us to a booth and handed us our menus.

"What would you like to drink?"

"Rasberry sweet tea please," I smiled and looked at Neels.

"Regular sweet tea," the man walked away and I looked over the menu. The cheapest thing was fifty dollars. "What are you getting baby?"

"Maybe the steak with mashed potatoes." It was a hundred dollars and ninety five cents.

"That sounds good I'll get that also." We closed our menus and I looked around the place as Neels stared at me. We had never ate here before.

"This place is beautiful Neels," he smiled.

"As cheesy as this sounds it's not near as beautiful as you Y/n." I blushed as the waiter brought our drinks.

"Ready to order?"

"We would both like the steak and mashed potatoes." Neels smiled holding my hand across the table.

"What else for the side?" The waiter looked at me and I noticed a wedding ring. I'd love to have one of my own.

"Green beans please," I smiled. I love me some Italian green beans.

"Steamy veggies," Neels read off the menu and handed them to the waiter.

"I'll have them out in a few." We talked about movies and the usual that we talked about. Like our future together and how happy we are now. I'm also a model, but I don't work as much as Neels. We ate our food in a comfortable silence. Dessert came and before I ate some Neels stood up and pulled a box out of his pocket.

"Can I have everyone's attention!" Neels yelled making everyone look at me. I blushed from the amount of eyes on us. It didn't click in my mind until he was down on one knee. "Y/n I have loved you for five years and will continue to love you for the rest of my life. We have had our ups and downs, and ins and outs." I giggled at what he was saying. I already knew what my answer was but I wanted to hear what he had to say. "Well I want to spend the rest of our lifes together. I want to die being married to a gorgeous girl like yourself. I love you Y/n, will you marry me?"

"Yes," I reached my left hand out and he put the ring on. We hugged and kissed and everyone cheered. We got extra dessert! Yay!

I would definitely be more excited to get extra dessert for someone proposing to me then the fact that the guy I loved proposed to me. Lmao that's just me tho.

Xoxo Author

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