Luke Hemmings

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This is for my best friend multifandom08. I love you very very much🖤.

"Please," my very annoying, yet very adorable husband begs for the fourth time today.

"You know I can't surf Lucas," I roll my eyes and go back to my book. "HEY!" He snatched my book and threw it across the room. He wrapped  his arms around my waist and pushed his face into my chest. "Lucas!" I giggled as he whined.

"I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING!" He yelled but it comes out muffled due to his face in my chest.

"Stop pushing your face into my chest!" I attempted to push him away but he didn't budge.

"BABE!!!! I'm trying to look at your heart!" I laughed as he looked at me. "So beach?" I groaned and covered my face with a pillow.

"Nooo, I'm fat and won't look good in a swimsuit." I felt something pierce into my stomach. "LUCAS!"

"BABE!" I removed the pillow and started beating him with it. "ABUSE!" He jumped off of the bed and started running so I chased him. We were both wearing socks and our house had hardwood floors. Luke turned a corner and fell, I took this as my opportunity to jump on him.

"DO NOT BITE ME EVER AGAIN!" I continued to abuse him until I was out of breath.

"Can we go to the beach now Nikole?" He used my actual name... I crossed my arms and he flipped us over so now I was under him. "Please baby," he started kissing my neck. Stupid butt, he knows that gets me.

"FINE!" He stopped and ran off cheering. I swear I'm married to a child. I got up and changed into my navy blue and star swimsuit.

"No, no, NO!" I looked behind me at my handsome husband as he practically drooled. I giggled as he glared at my body.

"I'm yours baby," I winked and he smirked and grabbed my waist.

"Awe it's cute that you think you're still going out like that." I rolled my eyes and he pulled me so that our bodies were pressed together.

"Awe it's cute that you think I'm gonna change, I don't even wanna go Luke. I'm going in this or I'm not going." I shrugged and pulled away grabbing my beach bag with all of the stuff we need in it.

"Fine but you better make sure those other guys know you're mine." I giggled as he grabbed his surf board. He was wearing his wet suit and I have to admit his booty looks amazing in it. "Put some shorts on gorgeous!" Luke yelled as he went into the kitchen. I grabbed my Miss Me shorts and placed them on.

"Grab the Jeep keys babe!" I yelled as I slipped my flip flops on. I grabbed my phone, sunglasses, and headed downstairs. As we left I couldn't help but slap Luke's butt as he put the board in the backseat.

"Ooo baby, be careful with your actions." I laughed as we got in. I turned the radio on and Who Do You Love by The Chainsmokers ft 5sos was on.

"Ooo baby, your song is on!" I turned the volume up as we pulled out of the drive way and headed towards the beach. We sang at the top of our lungs and by we I mean I did, Luke just laughed. We got to the beach as 7 Rings by Arian Grande finished.

"You are an amazing singer babe." I smiled as I looked at the love of my life.

"Haha you're hilarious Luke." I was laughing and Luke grabbed my face.

"I'm being serious Nikole." My smile dropped as I looked at his serious face. His eyes dropped to my lips and I leaned in. Our lips connected and like every kiss, it felt like the first one. "I'm never gonna get tired of that feeling." We smiled and got out.

"Lucas," he turned to me as we walked to the water. "I love you." He smiled as we set our stuff down. He grabbed my waist and pulled me. His left leg was between my legs and my right one was bent a little. My head was tilted to the right a little, and my left hand was on his right shoulder. He looked me up and down smirking.

"I love you too Nikole." He kissed me passionately, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We pulled away and I laughed as his eyes sparkled. "Paparazzi just got a million dollars." I laughed harder and he kissed my forehead.

The rest of the day consisted with us swimming, wrestling in the water, Luke surfing and attempting to teach me to surf, me tanning, and us just enjoying being together.

Mwah 😘

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