Sweet Pea (Jordan Conner)

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I looked at Toni as she worked the bar. She slid another shot my way and put the bottle next to me.

"You are unbelievable," she laughed while shaking her head as I popped the bottle open and started drinking straight from the bottle.

"I have nothing better to do, might as well drink." I shrugged and she laughed.

"You should work here," she nodded and leaned against the bar.

"Yea right, do I look like the type of girl to work?" I smirked and she laughed again.

"Come on, me and my best friend working together. You have to admit that would be fun." She smirked at me and I thought about it. Not to bad of an idea, plus extra money.

"Fine, if you get me a job here I'll work." I smiled when the biggest smile appeared on her face.

"YES!" She did a little happy dance and I took another drink of Tequila.

"What has you all happy?" Fangs asked taking a seat next to me, Sweet Pea sat on my other side.

"Y/n agreed to work here." She smiled and then went to serve someone.

"You and work? Yea right." Sweet Pea bumped his shoulder into mine and I laughed.

"That's what I said! But look at how happy our little Topaz is." We all watched her as she smiled at the customer.

"When are you joining the serpents?" Fangs asked and I laughed as he grabbed my tequila.

"You really think Sweet Pea will allow me to join?" I laughed and Sweet Pea gave us a dirty look.

"I will kill you." He growled, damn he's hot.

"I don't see why he has a say in it? He's just your best friend." Fangs smirked at me and I nodded. FP will say my name soon and I'll be going on stage to do the serpent dance and become a serpent. Fangs thought we'd be able to talk Sweet Pea into agreeing because it's what's best for me. Me and Sweet Pea have been best friends since we were 10 but when he joined he told me I wasn't allowed to.

"She's like my little sister!" Ouch that one hurt, that hit a soft spot. I looked at Fangs and he looked down. Fangs and Toni both know I'm in love with Sweet Pea but I'd never say it. Unless he feels the same way but obviously he only sees me as a little sister.

"Y/f/n, will now be doing the serpent dance." Sweet Pea's cup shattered in his hand and I stood up.

"The fuck?" Sweet Pea looked at me and I blew him a kiss. I got up on the stage and the music started, I slowly undressed and kept eye contact with Sweet Pea the entire time. He looked mad but he started to smirk as I grabbed the pole. I did the dance and when I ended cheers and claps erupted around the room. FP walked up to me smiling and putting the serpent jacket on me. I hopped down not even bothering to put my clothes back on. I walked back to my spot at the bar and smiled.

"That was amazing!" Fangs and Toni cheered and I grinned at them, still feeling giddy with adrenaline.

"Thanks guys!" I looked over at Sweet Pea and his back was to me as he drank. "Sweets?" He turned and looked pissed.

"What?" He snapped and I pulled back.

"What's your problem?" I crossed my arms and glared.

"I specifically told you not to join and then you turn around and join?!" He yelled slamming his cup down.

"Last time I checked you weren't my dad!" He grabbed me by my throat and slammed me against the wall.

"I'm just trying to protect you, you don't belong in the serpents." I glared and tried to ignore the butterflies that erupted into my stomach after he grabbed my throat.

"I do belong here, just as much as Toni, just as much as Fangs, and just as much as you!" I slapped his chest and his grip tightened.

"Sweet Pea let go of her!" Toni yelled but I stuck my hand up, stopping her from coming towards us.

"I'm no good Y/n, you could have a great life! You could find a great rich guy, live on the north side, have a good paying job!" He yelled in my face and I laughed.

"You think that's what I want? You think I want to be pampered? No Sweet Pea I don't! I want this life! I am happy here, having these friends, drinking whenever I want! I want you!" I yelled in his face. His grip loosened on my throat but he didn't let go.

"Wh-what?" He looked shocked.

"I want you Sweet Pea, I am in love with you. I did this for you." I placed my hands on his jaw.

"Say it again." He leaned in closer.

"I want you Sweets," I bit my lip and he smirked. He kissed me and I immediately kissed back. He tightened his grip again on my throat and I let out a small moan.

"Are you going to be a good girl or are you going to keep disobeying me?" He whispered in my ear and I bit my lip as his hand ran up my inner thigh.

"Take me home Sweet Pea." I breathed out and he smirked.

"Answer the question babygirl." He growled, and kissed my neck.

"I'll be a good girl for the night." I whispered in his ear as I gripped his wrist.

"Will you be my girl for the rest of your life?" He asked and I looked at him.

"Will you claim me already?" I growled at him and he smirked.

"I'll take that as a yes." He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, I let out a small giggle. "We will see you guys around." Sweet Pea nodded to the gang.

'Give me the details.' Toni mouthed to me and I winked at her. He tossed me into his truck and hopped in.

I decided to write a new one, this one turned out better then the other one did.

Xoxo Author

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