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"But daddy I hate green beans, they're nasty." Niall whined as Zayn served him dinner.

It wasn't like he was just feeding the child green beans.

He was feeding him dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets, and mashed potatoes as well.

Usually Zayn would leave out the greens to avoid Niall's complaining,  but tonight he changed his mind.

"You have to eat them to grow big and strong like me." Zayn said, sitting across from his son.

He wished he would've thought to invite Harry over for dinner too, but he'd see him later.

"You're not that big or strong." Niall said. "Not like Liam or Harry."

"Well I'm bigger than you that's all that matters, now eat." Zayn said.

"I'm not eating the green beans. They make me want to throw up." Niall said.

"You won't leave this table until you've eaten them." Zayn said, giving him a look.

"Why?" Niall whined. "I don't like them, and the gross bean juice gets in my other food and ruins it."

"That's why I got you sectioned plate. Look, nothing's touching." Zayn pointed.

"I know but still." Niall continued to whine.

"Don't want beans."

"They're good for you." Zayn said.

"No." Niall pouted, sitting back and folding his arms tight across his chest.

"No all you want, you're going to eat them. Better do it now before they get cold." Zayn said.

"I don't want them!" Niall exclaimed, kicking his feet in frustration.

"Hey, don't take that tone with me." Zayn warned.

Niall's face got red, and he glared at Zayn.

"I'm never eating them." He said angrily, jerking a nugget from his plate and shoving it in his mouth.

"Yes you are." Zayn said calmly.

"No m'not!" Niall argued through his mouthful.

Zayn chose not to speak anymore, eating his dinner and watching as Niall eventually ate everything on his plate but the beans.

"Can I go play now?" Niall asked.

"Eat your green beans." Zayn repeated.

"Daddy no." Niall whined, starting to cry. "I don't want them."

"Fine, guess you won't get any chocolate ice cream for dessert then." Zayn sighed, taking his own plate to the sink.

"What?" Niall asked, pausing.

"I got some of your favorite chocolate ice cream at the store. The one with marshmallow swirl in it? There's a whole tub of it in the freezer." Zayn told him.

"Really?" Niall asked quietly, tears still in his eyes.

Zayn nodded, staring at him.

"I can have some if I eat this poison?"

"Niall they're not poison, they're green beans. You don't even have that many on your plate. Pretend they're boats with little villagers in them and you're the monster. Eat them up and I'll scoop you out a bowl of ice cream and we can go watch cartoons together." Zayn said.

Niall bit his lip, looking down at the beans.

He poked at them with his fork, eventually stabbing one and putting it in his mouth.

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