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"You know, most children are adorable when they're sleeping. But ours is adorable all the time." Louis said as he and Zayn stood in the doorway of Niall's bedroom.

Zayn hummed a little. "I think he's most adorable this way, though." He said, making Louis laugh.

"Shush, you'll wake him." Zayn smiled, closing Niall's door.

Louis smiled as well, watching Zayn. "Did you like the lasagna?" He asked, following Zayn into their bedroom.

"It was good, yeah. Why?" Zayn asked, looking at him.

"Well I...tried really hard to make it good for you." Louis admitted.

"It was fine." Zayn said, wanting to end the conversation.

"I wanted to talk to you." Louis decided to say, noticing Zayn's tone.

"About?" Zayn asked, not in the mood for talking.

It always led to fighting.

"Me. I'm trying now, Zayn. I'm trying to make this work again. I just...realized a lot that night you went drinking and didn't come back. I thought you left Niall and I for good, and now that...I've realized what that would feel like, I refuse to let it happen." Louis said.

"I love you so much, Zayn. And I miss you, although I'm around you every day. I've missed you for years. And I want Niall to grow up with both parents there for him, and not fighting."

"I'm serious this time. I'm done with Liam, he's got a boyfriend now so I doubt he'll be calling me anymore, and I certainly won't be making an effort to talk to him." Louis said, remembering not too long ago when he discovered that Liam had a boyfriend.

"Okay, good, you're trying. Are we done?" Zayn asked, looking into his eyes.

"I guess." Louis said quietly, feeling like he'd accomplished nothing.

Zayn sat on the bed facing Louis, checking his phone.

Louis watched, noticing the way Zayn winced and rubbed at his shoulder.

"Oh, I wanted to mention that I'm going out tonight." Zayn said as Louis walked around the bed and climbed on it.

"Out where?" He asked, pausing.

He didn't want to go almost get himself killed again.

"For a drink with a friend. He gets off at eleven." Zayn explained.

"Oh okay. Well I'm sure you can't have fun with sore shoulders, can you?" Louis asked, standing on his knees behind Zayn.

"I'm sure the alcohol will help." Zayn said quietly, putting his phone on the nightstand.

"Or I could help." Louis said, sliding his hands onto Zayn's shoulders.

He began to massage them, and to his surprise, Zayn leaned back into his touch, accepting it.

Zayn knew exactly what Louis was doing.

He knew that all of this effort was because Louis was trying to fix things.


Zayn did appreciate the fact that Louis was trying, but how could he be sure that Louis was being honest?

He said he was being honest last time, but cheated again.

Zayn never knew what to believe when it came it Louis anymore, and that fact bothered him because he wanted to believe Louis.

He wanted things to be okay too.

Not only for Niall, but for his own peace of mind.

"S'that feel good?" Louis asked.

"I think you know the answer." Zayn said, unable to remember the last time Louis used his magic hands to help Zayn's sore muscles.

Louis chuckled, noticing that Zayn had goosebumps.

When Louis was finished, Zayn sighed in content. "Thanks."

"Course." Louis said, kissing his cheek.

He hadn't meant to do that, it was almost like a reflex.

Louis expected Zayn to push him away, but he didn't.

As Louis began to lean back, Zayn turned his head towards him, as if he missed the brief contact.

Louis swallowed, bravely kissing Zayn's cheek again, closer to his mouth.

Zayn then tilted his head back, letting his lips brush against Louis'.

Louis was tempted to ask permission first, but instead he went ahead and kissed Zayn.

He kissed him gently, touching his jaw.

Feeling Louis' kiss after such a long time stirred up so many emotions within Zayn he didn't know what to do, or how to handle it.

He found himself turning his body to face Louis, their second kiss being deeper than the first.

Louis' heart was pounding, and he held the sides of Zayn's face, unconsciously straddling his lap to get closer to him.

Zayn kissed him harder, gripping his sides firmly.

After several more kisses, the last with parted lips, Zayn started to become aware of what was happening.

While Louis, however, was getting lost in Zayn.

He tugged on Zayn's lip with his teeth, his hands gently sliding down to Zayn's chest.

Zayn pulled back a bit to breathe, resting his forehead against Louis' and pausing to take it all in.

The feeling of Louis' body against his, the way his temperature increased when he felt Louis' breath on his skin.

Zayn hadn't felt this way in so long.

But he also felt exposed.

Like he was letting Louis in to hurt him again, and he couldn't let that happen.

Zayn couldn't handle another heartbreak.

"What're we doing?" Zayn whispered, as if Louis knew the answer.

Louis swallowed. "Um, we-"

"No, what am I doing?" Zayn corrected, his head spinning.

"Get off." He said, gently pushing on Louis' torso.

Louis grabbed him, kissing him passionately and hoping Zayn would stop over thinking the moment.

"Stop, I said get off." Zayn snapped, breaking the kiss and lifting Louis off of him, getting up off the bed.

"What did I do wrong?" Louis asked out loud, even though he meant to keep that in his head.

"Louis...I can't trust you. I don't know what's real and what isn't and....it just hurts, okay? I just...I can't kiss you anymore, it hurts." Zayn said, his voice cracking with emotion.

"I swear I'm telling the truth. All of this is real, Zayn. I don't want to lose you and this family. And whatever I have to do to...at least gain your friendship again I will. If that's where you want to start, so be it. I love you more than anything." Louis said, speaking straight from his heart and keeping eye contact.

Zayn stared at him, trying to swallow the lump rising in his throat.

"I'm going out." Zayn said, turning and leaving before Louis could see him cry.

A/N: Zayn and Harry's get together will be in the next chapter. Will something....inappropriate happen? Also:

1. How do you feel about Louis? Is he being truthful this time?

2. What should Zayn do? Should he believe Louis?

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