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That night when Zayn got home, Louis was still awake, watching television.

Usually Zayn would just go shower, and ignore him, but for once he was glad Louis was still awake.

Zayn toed his shoes off, taking the envelope out of his jacket and going into the lounge.

Louis immediately looked at him, sitting up a little.

"I want to talk to you about something." Zayn said, sitting in the armchair.

"What is it?" Louis asked after turning the T.V. off.

Zayn sighed heavily, not knowing why this was suddenly so hard.

"Here." He mumbled, handing Louis the envelope.

Louis slowly took it from him, glancing at him before he pulled the papers out.

The moment he saw the word divorce, his heart sank.


"Louis it's what's best. You know it. For us and for Niall." Zayn said.

"But...I'm sorry....I didn't mean all of those things I said. I just....I just thought-"

"Thought what? Louis things are awful right now and they won't get any better unless we're separated." Zayn said.

Louis swallowed, tears of frustration spilling from his eyes.

"B-But...what about the house? What about Niall?" He asked.

"I don't think we should discuss those things now. Just fill out your parts on the forms, yeah? The sooner you do the sooner things can get better." Zayn said, getting up and walking towards the stairs.

"I still remember the night you asked me to marry you. It was just a few weeks before my birthday...and it was snowing." Louis said, making Zayn stop in his tracks.

"It was like I fell in love with you all over again that night." He said sadly.

Zayn looked back at him. "So Liam was worth all that, hm?"

He then continued upstairs, and Louis sank down into the couch, clutching the papers in his hands.

He didn't really know how to feel.

Mostly Louis felt sad, but part of him felt angry.

Very angry.


"This feels like a date." Zayn said, looking across the table at Harry, who was slowly stirring sugar into his coffee.

"How?" Harry smiled, secretly feeling the same way.

"Dunno. Just does." Zayn shrugged before sipping his drink.

It had coffee in it, as well as whipped cream and some sort of hazelnut drizzle.

The two were on duty, but decided to stop at a cafe for a little break.

Not that they needed one.

For the past week, things in the city had been so calm.

No crimes, no disturbances.

It was perfect.

However, the process of Zayn's divorce wasn't so peaceful.

Louis just finished signing the papers two days ago, and now they were waiting to set up a meeting with their lawyers to discuss finances, living spaces, and custody.

Louis was acting very childish about the whole thing, and Zayn was trying to ignore it.

But he lived with Louis, so it wasn't easy.

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