Chapter 55: I love you.

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A fan of mine made the cover above for Devil for a husband.
Thank you @creativemagic


I couldn't think straight or rather, I didn't want to think straight. My blood boiled and anger clouded my sense of reasoning. I was upset with this stranger. Couldn't he tell Caden was a married woman? What was he admiring about Caden? I'm sure he barely knew her. A psychopath. That's who this man has to be and I was going to set him straight before it becomes too late.

Opening the door, I walked right into Café delight as per Mia's information. My hands by my side remained folded into tight fists and my breathing went on a little faster than usual. I have to teach this man a lesson. I scanned around with my eyes for any sign of Caden as I recalled what she wore to leave the house this morning.

There, my eyes fell on the back of her head but what caught my attention the most was the familiar coat she had on. As I made my march towards the table she was at, I sighted the man who sat in front of her.

My rage only heightened and as I drew closer, I clenched my right fist even tighter and once I got close enough, I threw a punch right at his face and could only hope it hurts him more than I imagined. It got everybody's attention but I really couldn't care less and without wasting a second more or glancing up to her face, I turned away, taking hold of Caden's hand and dragging her along with me.

The first two steps and it seemed she was stuck, I took a look back and noticed the man held onto her other hand. Oh, that only infuriated me further. I walked right back to him.

"Do you even know the meaning of what you're doing? She's a married woman! She's my wife." I stated out to his face but for a moment, confused detailed on his face and he shifted his head a bit to the side, staring at something or perhaps, someone behind me.

"Who?" His question left me puzzled that I couldn't help the light crease that appeared between my brows. I felt the need to look back and that's what I need. Slowly, confusion was replaced by surprise as my eyes rested on the woman I'd thought to be my wife.

"Blayze." Immediately, I looked the direction of the familiar voice and there stood my real wife.

Strangely, I didn't even know what to feel about the present situation.

I walked right out of the café and towards my car knowing fully well Caden followed behind. I felt confused, embarrassed, upset and irritated all at the same time. I didn't know what to make out of everything that just happened. I needed answers so I made a turn to her.

"Was this a prank? Some sort of joke you and Mia cooked up."

"What are you talking about? You're the one who just punched an innocent man for no good reason."

"Innocent? I thought he was with you. Didn't you come here to meet him?"

"Yes but... "

I let out a scoff as I looked away in disgust.

"You say you have feelings for me but you went ahead on a date with another man."

"What? No, you... are you judging me right now?"

"Yes and I can't believe I almost feel for everything you said." I stated regrettably as I shook my head. I didn't want to look at her anymore. I was upset with myself for being a fool.

"Hey!" She exclaimed loudly that I couldn't help slightly being startled to look up to her. I watched as she took steps closer and stared right into my eyes.

"People always believe what they choose to believe. If you think that I'm some slut, then there's nothing I can do about it. I just want you to know something, I've always been sincere about the way I felt about you. I can't say for sure that you've been the same with me. Have a safe trip Mr Blayze Norman." In fury, she made a swift turn and ban on her steps back towards the café.

"Fine. You can do whatever you want. I really don't care." I added on my part just as rage filled me. Without sparing her a glance more, I got into the car, slamming the door afterwards.

"Take me to the airport." I told the driver just as I could still feel the anger surging through my body and as the feeling of disappointment joined in.

I can't believe I was about to tell her how I felt and to ignore all the voices in my head screaming that I shouldn't.


"What the hell Mia! I want you to tell me right now what is going on?" I queried in annoyance as I marched up to my best friend.

"And why do you have my coat on?" I added just as my confusion infuriated me further. Standing in front of her, I folded my arms below my chest and waited for an explanation from her.

I watched as she let out a light chuckle in an attempt to ease up the situation but nothing at the moment could make me laugh or smile.

"Come on Caden, I did tell you that I like your coat and I was going to try it on. You smiled at my statement as you left for the washroom. How would I know your husband would suddenly walk in and mistake me for you?"

I furrowed my brows at her narration. In a way, her story checked out but at the same time, something felt off. I shifted my eyes to the man seated in front of her.

"And exactly who are you? Why are you on my seat?"

"Oh he's just a friend. He came in and coincidentally, I was here too so he came to say hello." Mia spoke in his place and the man smiled as he nodded his head in accordance.

I looked from her to him and back to her again. Something felt off but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. In the end, a sigh left my lips as I recalled the fight Blayze and I just got into outside. He was leaving for trip today and we said our goodbyes through a ridiculous fight.

"Caden are you okay?" Mia queried in worry as she stood up to her feet to comfort me.

"He misunderstood everything and I flared up at him even though I knew that. He said hurtful things so I had to stand up for myself but now, we won't get to settle everything as he's going on a one week trip today." I let out, not holding anything back.

"He's leaving!?" Her surprised reaction was more than I expected that I'm left surprised as well.

"Y-yes. That's what I said."

"No, he can't leave. I mean..." She took hold of my shoulders, forcing me to face her.

"... You can't let him go. One week is a long time and... so many things can happen during those days. He... no, you have to go to him right now."

I narrowed my eyes at her strange behavior.

"Although I don't know what has gotten into you but... I can't. I don't even know the time of his flight or which airport. He never told me anything other than the fact he was leaving."

"Well call his office, secretary. Ask her for those details. I'm sure she knows something."

Mia's idea seemed tempting and I loved her for thinking about my interest but, there were so many ways this could go wrong plus... it's not like he was leaving forever.

"Mia, it's just a week. He'll be back and then, we can talk." I added as I tried to get free from her hold but her grip only tightened.

"It's not just a week Caden. It's days, hours, minutes and seconds enough for him to meet another woman, fall in love with her and leave you."

A scoff left my lips. "Now, you're exaggerating. Have you met Blayze? He's not the type to fall in love at first sight or anything of that sort."

"Go after him Caden!" Mia exclaimed that I'm left baffled. The look in her eyes told me she meant every word she just said. I was torn in two. I felt going this extreme wasn't needed but at the same time, the other part worried Mia might be right.

In the end, I let out a loud sigh.

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